Second Chances

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Corbyn's POV

I sigh deeply as I walk off the plane. I feel both relived and scared to be back in LA. Relieved because I'm finally back in the same place as my precious angel and scared because i have to go through Logan to see Jocelyn. I really do hope she is willing to listen to me because I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't. I breathe in deeply as I walk out of the spirit to my awaiting Uber. I sit in the back seat of the small car as we make our way to Logan's apartment

I can feel my hands getting clammy at the thought of seeing her again. I miss her. I miss her a lot. Its only been a few days but I can't help but feel that I've lost a part of myself. I keep reciting the lines I've come up with on the plane inside my head as I walk up to Logan's door. I knock on it and I soon hear feet coming towards the door. It opens to reveal Logan. He ales at me and my eyes widen. Shit I'm gonna get beaten up, oh god please don't hit me. "You better have a good ass fucking reason to be here corbitch" he tells me glaring daggers through my skull.

"I actually do, I um came to apologize to Jocelyn." I tell him and he looks at me sternly. "Listen Corbyn I know you mean well but I'm afraid I can't let you in, man you broke her. I've never seen her cry before and yesterday she was a sobbing mess bro" he tells me sighing. "Logan please" I beg but his facade doesn't break away. "I'm sorry man" He tells me and is about to close the door. "Corbyn?" Ayla questions seeing me. I nod and she walks to the door opening it up. "You May be the one who broke her but you many be the only one that can fix her" she tells me.

I nod and Ayla leads me to the spare bedroom. I know I on it slightly and I hear sniffles come from inside breaking my heart. "I don't want anymore food Ayla" the broken voice of my sweet angel replies. I hesitate but eventually speak. "It's not Ayla" is a softly and the door soon opens to reveal a puffy eyed Jocelyn. She glares at me and her eyes seemingly hold no emotion which breaks by heart. "You have some damn nerve showing up here Corbyn" she tells me and my heart sinks further. She's never called me Corbyn before. It's always Corb or Corbs.

"I'm here to make this right Jocelyn" I tell her sadly and she opens her mouth to interrupt me but I hold up my hand. "No. Listen to what I have to say first. I know what I said was fucked up and I shouldn't have said that but the real reason behind why I was on my phone so much is because my ex Christina kept sending me messages saying that we wanted to get back together but I told her that I was hay with you and I guess she got jealous because she started sending me messages about how she was gonna hurt you if I didn't come back to her. I was so stressed out with everything from the tour to Christina that I didn't realize I was pulling away form you and I'm so sorry that I let that happen because you're my everything. These last few days have been a nightmare without you because when you're not with me, I can't seem to function properly . I promise you if you give me a second chance I'll spend the rest of my days trying to make this up to you. I can't live without Jocelyn so here I am today begging you to take me back." I say pleadingly.

She wipes off a few stray tears that have made it out of her eyes. "Corbyn, I love you but you have to know what you said hurt me a lot. You knew how I felt after my parents death but you still brought it up. I was trying so hard to get over it but when you brought it up ugh Corbyn you made me feel things that I never want to feel ever again." She says.

My eyes tear up at her words. "Jocelyn Baby, I'm sorry for what I said and you have to know that you're parents would be so proud of the women you have become today and that I might not have met them but I know that they would be happy for you if you lived your life. I knew what I said was wrong but i promise you if you'll give me a second chance I'll make it all up to you, please baby" I say

My heart breaks at the sight of tears spilling over her perfect cheeks. I can't believe I'm at fault for my sweet angel to be crying. "Corbyn I love you so much, if I give you a second chance you have to promise not to break my heart" she tells me and I smile through my tears. "My love I promise never to be the cause of your tears ever again" I tells her and she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist.

"I love you 3000 angel" I tell her and she smiles sniffing. "I love you 3000 Corbs" she says .

If you know, you know 😭💔

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