Break up {part 2}

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Corbyn's POV

I haven't left my bunk since Jocelyn left. I haven't eaten since Jocelyn left. I haven't spoken since Jocelyn left and last but not least I haven't stopped crying since Jocelyn left... it's been two days but it feels like two months. My heart has been painfully breaking each time I remover or see something that reminds me of her. First it was her perfume that seemed to linger everywhere and next it was her hairbrush that she forgot to pack. She's always forgetting things

The boys have tried to get me up and out of the hotel but I just can't do it. Each day we play the arenas and I smile and play my heart out but when we leave the stage I get back to the bus I just get back in my bunk rewatching the Originals on repeat. I know it's not healthy but I can't stand the fact that I made her leave. I've tried calling her phone and emailing her but nothing seems to work. I think she blocked my number...I don't blame her though. I just wish things would've gone differently that day.

The only reason I shouted at her was because I had been getting continuous texts from my ex telling me that she misse me and she wants to get back together... I didn't love her anymore because i had Jocelyn but she wouldn't stop. She ended up sending me threats that she would kill Jocelyn if I didn't go back to her which was impossible since she lives across the country. I wish I had just talked to her about it instead of blowing up on her like I did.

"Corbyn bro, I think we found Jocelyn" Jonah tells me and my head perks up from the Tv that has been playing S2 of the Originals on was her favorite season. "Jonah I'm telling you if this is one of your ideas to get me out of my bunk it's not going to work" I tell him angrily and he sighs. "Corb, I know you've been going through a lot but we're worried for you man, we've never seen you so hung up on a girl" he tells me sadly. I snap my head towards his figure and narrow my eyes at him. "She wasn't just some girl!" I angrily yell at him.

"She was the best thing that ever happened to me! She was the love of my life! She made me feel like I could do anything and god her smile made me question my existence! I miss her so much it hurts! I feel like I lost apart of myself when she walked out that door!" I tell him sobbing. Soon all the boys walk into my room and they bring me into a hug while I cry my eyes out. I deserve to cry. I deserve to be this way. I hurt her in ways I couldn't imagine but I need to make this right.

I look up after I finish sobbing with a determined look in my eyes. "I'm going to find a way to fix this" I tell the boys and they look confused. "You guys are gonna help me find her and I'm going to do something I should've done a long time ago" I tell them and they nod scrambling out of my room most likely to find out where Jocelyn went. Daniel scurries back into my room with his phone in his hand and as soon as he holds up his screen, my face lights up.

On his phone is a Instagram picture of Jocelyn back in LA with Brandon. I look at it closely and see that she seems to be staying at Logan's apartment and I get up and hurriedly run around the bus frantically packing my bags. We only have a show in the next two days so I would fly back the day we have the show, hopefully hand in hand with Jocelyn. Once I've zipped up my suitcase and backpack I tell the boys goodbye and tell David the plan.

He lets me go reluctantly but makes me promise to make it back before the show. I call and Uber and tell the driver to head to the airport. On my way there my nerves start to build up. I haven't really thought this through but I would have enough time on the plane. One thing I was sure about was that when I left LA I was gonna come back with my Angel.

"Im coming for you baby" I say as I board the plane...

PERFECTLY IMPERFECT (Corbyn Besson)Where stories live. Discover now