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In the morning I'm woken up by Corbyns sweet kisses. I smile and my eyes flutter open. He grins down at me as if I'm the only person that matters. My heart explodes at his loving gaze. "Morning beautiful, you should get ready for today because our date begins soon." He tells me and I honestly couldn't be more excited. Corbyn made me feel as if I wasn't just a girl with a disease, that someone would actual care if I did pass away. Sure I had my family and Brandon but I never had anyone actually give a fuck about me besides them

"Okay I'm gonna go take a shower, are you gonna go home or do you wanna stay here and use some of the clothes you leave here" Corbyn and I had left clothes at each other's houses in case we decided to spend the night with one another. I actually had some of his hoodies here since I normally just used those since they were so big on me. "Im gonna stay here, I'll use the spare bathroom" he tells me and I nod smiling. I peck his lips once and go to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I'm done in the bathroom and changed into:

I stepped out of the bathroom to go see Corbyn, I walk down the stairs and see him ready and a full course breakfast already made and I smile so hard my cheeks start to hurt

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I stepped out of the bathroom to go see Corbyn, I walk down the stairs and see him ready and a full course breakfast already made and I smile so hard my cheeks start to hurt. "Corb, did you do all of this for me?" I question and he nods blushing. "I told the boys to take Brandon with them while they spend the day at Logan's as we have the day to ourselves" he tells me and I'm astonished at how considerate he is. What did I do to deserve this boy

"Absolutely nothing" he tells me and my cheeks heat up. "Did I say that out loud" i ask embarrassed and he nods smiling slightly and kisses my forehead. "You did but it was cute" he tells me and I didn't think it was possible for my heart to explode more but once again I was proved wrong. "Are you ready to leave, my love?" He questions and I can't help but smile at the use of his words my love damn if this boy doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend soon I might just pass out.

Once were in Corbyns car, he takes me to this cute coffee shop that has some bookshelves inside and I can't help but squeal. "Omg this is great Bean! I love this so much thank you!" I squeal and hug him and he chuckles at my excited essence. "You're welcome love" oh dear god just kill me now. "Come one" he tugs me inside and I'm in awe once we enter. The whole coffee shop has cute vibe and is absolutely beautiful. He gets our drinks while I search for some books for us to read. I pick out 'After' by Anna Todd to read even though I've already read this book a million times and I wait for Corbyn to come back.

He sets down our drinks and can you believe this boy gets me my favorite drink. "How did you know that I like cappuccinos" I ask him and he smiles cutely. "I just guessed" he shrugs blushing and I peck his cheek. "What did you find to read?" He question and I pull out 'After'. He chuckles. "I should've known, those books are everywhere in your room". I smile and look down blushing. He tilts my head up and kisses my lips. We settle down in one of the window couches and he sits behind me with me between his legs. We spend the next hour reading After and discussing the book. "Come on we gots go, it's off to the second part of our date" he says pulling me up after we've finished the book.

I nod and we leave. As we reach the car Corbyn pulls out a blind fold. I look at him pointedly "if you plan on killing me best hope you know that I know people" I tell him and he widens his eyes but nonetheless chuckles. "You're one word person" he tells me while putting on my blindfold. I shrug as if to say 'just saying'. Corbyn starts to drive and puts on some music. As soon as 'Kills you slowly' by the chainsmokers comes on I start singing and Corbyn soon joins me. Once the song is finished Corbyn places his hand on my thigh, "I didn't know you could sing" he tells me and I blush. Not being able to see him makes it worse. "I don't normally sing"

Once Corbyn stops the car I hear him unbuckle his seat belt and the door opens on his side and soon the door opens on my side. I unbuckle my seat belt and Corbyn holds out his hand, I hesitantly put my hand in his and he takes me up this hill and since I can't see he picks me up bridal style and carries me up. Once were on the top the blindfold is taken off of me and I gasp. There is a whole fort of pillows and blankets with a computer in the middle. "I had the boys set this up for us while we were at the coffee shop" he tells me and I kiss him passionately.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks me and I immediately tell him to put on 'The Originals'. While watching I can see Corbyn taking sneaky glances towards me and soon he pauses the episode. I look at him confused and he grabs my hands and walk out of the fort into the moonlight, "Jocelyn I know this is only our first date and I literally met you like two days ago but I can't help but feel like I've known you forever" he tells me and I smile. "Corbyn I feel the exact same way" He smiles adorably and I giggle. "What I'm trying to say is, Jocelyn Brooke will you be my girlfriend?" He winces slightly as if he expects me to say no. "I would love to be yours Bean" I tell him and his entire face lights up

We walk back into the fort hand-in-hand and we watch up to Season two when it becomes dark outside and we decide to head back. As we clean up the blankets and the pillows Corbyn looks at me lovingly. "What?" I question blushing. "You're just so perfect" he tells me and my heart literally melts. "You're not so bad yourself" I tease him slightly. He gasps in mock offense and I giggle at his childish antics. Once were finished Corbyn drives us back to the Why don't We house where everyone should be. We get inside to see the boys all watching TV and Logan vlogging. Once he sees us enter he runs up to us excitedly. "Is is Official?" He question excitedly.

Corbyn nods as I blush, he pulls me closer by my waist and kisses my forehead. "My boy did it!" He screams and soon all the boys come rushing in and they all congratulate us. "Hey!" I hear Brandon yell. "Listen here mister, I may only be 7 but I can hurt you in ways you could not imagine, so you better think first before you hurt my sister okay?" He tells Corbyn sternly and Corbyn salutes him. "Sir yes sir" he says like a soldier and Brandon smiles. All the boys are trying not to crack into laughter and I smile at my protective little brother. "I love you Brandon" I tells him bending down to good him. His tiny arms wrap around me. "I love you too Jocelyn" he tells me

We spend the rest of the night just fooling around until we all need to go to sleep. Brandon and I decide to sleep over at the boys house, I sleep with Corbyn (duh) and Brandon sleeps with Jack and Daniel. It's been a good day I think as I fall asleep with Corbyn.

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