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Oh he is so going down. Corbyn winks at me as the game begins but I stay focused. Once the game starts I go into full concentration. What Corbyn doesn't know is that I learnt how to dance from this machine. I already told them that I loved to dance when I was younger because when my parents use to come to this small diner outside of town I used to play in the arcade their and I found this machine and used it whenever I could.

Right, Forward, criss cross, back. I repeat the moves in my head and I turn quickly to look at Corbyn to see that he is doing pretty well. Damn you Corbyn. Once the game finishes we're both out of breath. Daniel comes up to check the scores. "No. Way" he says shocked and we both look up to see that we have the exact same score. What. The. Actual. Hell. "592 points" I say shocked. "What the hell! Well at least you didn't beat me" I laugh. Corbyn smirks at me. "So love, who won the bet?" Corbyn questions and I look at him confused. "Obviously none of us"I tell him sarcastically.

"Why don't we just both have each other do our end of the bet" he smirks at me and now I, actually quite scared for what he wants me to do. "Ugh fine" I whine and he nods. "Okay you need to admit to this whole arcade that I'm better than you in Dancing" he says and I'm dumbfounded, he knows how stubborn I am and he wants me to do this. "Hell no" I tell him sternly. "Babe, you agreed to it" and I honestly want to punch my boyfriend.

"Corbyn is better than me in Dancing" I tell begrudgingly. Ugh what an ass. He smirks but it slowly disappears when he hears my end if the bet. "You have to run out of this arcade to the car in your boxers" I smirk and the boys behind me howl in laughter. "Babeee" he whines. "Nope, you made me yell that god awful sentence out to the entire arcade so suffer" I tell him. "Why are we all laughing?" Brandon questions like the innocent little puppy that he is. "Honey, Corbyn is about to do something really funny" I tell him and he smiles cheering in Corbyn who glares at me

I shrug. He rolls his eyes but still takes off his clothes. "You're gonna pay for this" He threatens and I laugh. Corbyn bolts for the door with his clothes in hand earning Strange looks from everyone around us. "Guys hurry up people are looking" he yells embarrassment clear in his voice. The boys and I couldn't care less because we walk at the slowest pace possible and he starts to turn red outside the car. Once we get to the car Daniel takes our the keys and unlocks it. Corbyn doesn't waste another second outside before he jumps in the car and starts putting on his clothes

"You guys are dicks" he says and covers Brandon's ears. "Hey! You deserved it" I point at him and he narrows his eyes at me. "You're gonna get it for that princess" he whispers in my ear and my breath hitches. "I think you're the one that's  gonna get it" I whisper near his ear and I nibble on his earlobe. He groans but says nothing I sit back in my seat and smirk slowly. Once we've reached the house I see David's car parked outside. "What's David doing here?" Daniel questions. "Why don't we  go find out?" I question sarcasm dripping from my voice.

We walk inside to see David sitting at the kitchen counters talking to Zack. "Hey guys what're you doing here?" Jonah question as he makes himself ANOTHER cup of coffee. "So I came here to tell you guys that..." he starts of but is cut off by Zach. "Tell us I cant handle the suspense" he yells and we all laugh at his childishness. "You guys are gonna go on an international tour!" He yells and they all scream and run around. "Oh my gosh" I whisper and turn to Corbyn he looks just as excited. "Yes!" He yells picking me up and spinning me. Brandon is running around with the rest of the boys.

"Wait" Corbyn says. "Am I gonna have to leave Jocelyn?" He asks sadly. "You don't have to, Zack said he was going to need someone to help with the Cameras as a Assistant and she could still help you with your choreo, so if you would like she could come with us" he says and I am shocked. "Yes!" Everyone yells but I turn to them all sadly. "Guys, I would love to come with you all, but I can't leave Brandon here alone" I tell them and they all look so heartbroken. "Hey, why don't you leave Brandon with Logan, I'm sure he wouldn't mind watching him." Jack suggests and the boys all nod

"Um I can ask but I don't want to be a burden." I say and click on Logan's contact. While it's ringing the boys speaks with David about the tour. "Hello?" Logan questions as he answers the phone. "Hey, it's Jocelyn I wanted to ask if you would babysit Brandon for a while?" I ask nervously. "Sure, but how long?" He asks. "The boys are on a go on tour and they what me to go with them and I can't take Brandon with me because he's too young and I can't leave him here alone" I tell him. "I don't mind Little Brooke can hang out with Ayla" he says and I smile because I know Brandon has a little crush on Ayla.

"Thanks Logan!" I chirp and we exchange goodbyes and we hang up. I turn to see all the boys looking at me pleadingly. "I'm going on tour with you suckers!" I yell and the boys all run and hug me. Once we've all calmed down and I've told Brandon that he's staying with Logan but is still gonna attend school he was cool. The boys and I had to start packing today since we would have or leave next week. Now we were just laying down getting ready to sleep at my house. "Night Bub" I tell Corbyn softly on the phone and he whispers a night, we hang up and I fall asleep.

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