Family visits

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Time skip to the end of tour

Jocelyn's POV

It had been about two weeks since tour had ended and I definitely sad about it. I had enjoyed traveling and much more with the boys and Corbyn. We had all grown close together during tour so now we were like a huge family. Corbyn and I have grown a lot closer after I had lost my virginity to him. I had waited until I had found someone worthy enough to have taken a part of myself.

The boys had constantly been working on their music but they all still made time for Brandon and I. Speaking of Brandon, when we had gotten off the airplane we were bombarded by not only fans but the logang who had found out about Brandon by Logan's constant vlogging around him. Although Brandon could be described as a relatively cocky child, his recent popularity has risen his ego a bit too much.

We had gotten to Logan's apartment that afternoon to pick up Brandon and I had teased him about his new fame to hitch he replied with 'I always knew I was meant to be a star'. I had rolled my eyes at him. I knew he had spent too much time with Logan when every second word that came out of his mouth was accompanied by some form of slang. Not to say I don't speak with slang but I do prefer him to use proper English words and not go to school referring to his classmates as 'bro'.

I giggle slightly at the memory and Corbyn looks at me oddly. "I know you're not laughing at the movie because I hope your not psychotic enough to laugh at someone's death" he says seriously. I smile and shake my head. "I was thinking about Brandon's rise to fame" I say using air quotes. He laughs nodding. "He becomes more like Logan everyday" he says shaking his head. "I don't know if that's good or bad" I say and I hear Logan mumbling incoherently on the left of us.

"You guys are assholes" he tells us pointing his fingers. I roll my eyes at him. "If you could refrain from using such vulgar language in front of a kid, that would be nice" I say and I hear Daniel chuckle "Jocelyn don't even start, we heard you curse about 50 times when you stubbed your toe yesterday" he says and the rest of the boys join in laughing soon forgetting about the movie. "We had to block Brandon's ears before he starts repeating those words at school" Jack adds. I frown and cross my arms.

"There was a lot of blood. You would be freaking out too if you hurt your foot that bad" I say seriously and they continue chuckling. Soon the laughter subsides and we finish the movie. Corbyn and I make our way upstairs and to our shared bedroom in the boys house. Brandon is sleeping over at Logan's because he hasn't seen him in the past two weeks. I can vividly remember him complaining about leaving Logan's apartment so I had to promise him a sleepover (with the consent of Logan) in two weeks.

I'm not complaining because Corbyn is now taking me on a date tomorrow before we have to pick up Brandon. He's gonna go to the studio for a bit after that and I'm gonna head to the dance studio so I can work on some stuff, while on tour with the boys I haven't been doing a lot of exercise and fitness so I had some stuff to do. As I crawl under the covers in nothing but one of Corbyns t shirts, I close my eyes and I faintly remember Corbyn chuckling at my sleeping figure.

Time skip to morning

I open my eyes and instantly close them sure to the brightness of the room. I hear Corbyns sweet laughter next to me and I peek an eye open to see him laughing at my sleep induced state. "It's not nice to stare Mr Besson" I tell him squinting. "I'm not staring Ms Brooke, I'm merely admiring" he says in a failed posh accent. I laugh at his attempt and roll my eyes. I have a feeling I do that too often. I hear my phone go off on the table and I pick it up to see a message.

Uncle Bash:
Hey Pumpkin!

I roll my eyes at the use of the weird pet name but nonetheless I reply.

To Uncle Bash:
Hey Uncle Bash what's up?

He doesn't text back immediately and Corbyn looks at "who you talking to" he nods his head towards the phone. "My uncle" I say unsurely looking at the text. I have no clue what he texted me. We haven't kept in contact after I left my hometown but it's not like him or I made the effort to send a message once in a while.

Uncle Bash:
I was wondering if you'd like your aunt and I to come visit?

To uncle Bash:
I'd love for you guys to come visit!

Uncle Bash:
Okay hun, we'll see you guys in a few days!

I smile as we end the conversation. Since we haven't kept in touch it would be nice to see them again. I'm sure Brandon has missed them too. Shit. I realize I didn't tell him about Corbyn. Holy hell what the heck am I gonna do. I know for a fact that my uncle is very protective over me and always has been since my parents death. I smile nervously at Corbyn. I rub the back of my neck and tell him "hey babe, so my uncle and aunt may come visit in a few days" I say nervously and he chuckles.

"Why do you seem so nervous, that's great news!" He says excitedly. "The thing is my uncle is really protective so I'm sorry in advance if he does threaten you with a knife or gun he may or may not buy" I say in all seriousness and the color drains from his face. He gulps and nods. Oh boy.

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