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It's been a month since we have been on tour and it's honestly been so surreal. The boys look their happiest when they're preforming and i love seeing the sparkle in their eyes, the limelight's have been so supportive of Corbyn and my relation ship and I couldn't love them more for that. As for Corbyn, he has been with me to go to doctors appointments all over the globe and he is just the best boyfriend ever.

Right now I was waiting for the boys to finish their show so we could go eat, my doctor had sent me an email saying that she had scheduled me a surgery for next week which was a couple days before Brandon's birthday. The boys and I were going to fly down for his special day to surprise him but now we're all going down when I have to have my surgery. Corbyn was scared when I and told him and he still is, but I can't blame him.

I'm terrified to go in, but the option that I could live a Cancer free life makes me really happy. The boys had just finished their final song and they all soon walk down sweating. Corbyn runs up to me and pecks me on the lips as I giggle. He may just be the cutest bean out there, "I'm so proud of you babe" I tell him and he smiles at me. He hugs me tight along with the rest of the boys. The American tour should end in a few days but then they have 1 week off then its off to Europe. I honestly couldn't wait. I wait for the boys to change out of their outfits.

Once they walk out we make our way to the van so we could go get something to eat. We all agree to go to Chipotle. As we get inside the restaurant isn't full which is great for the boys I think they're all tired from the show. We sit in a booth that would fit all of us and we each eat our food in silence. The boys love tour but I can see that they get really tired after the shows. "You guys can finish in the van because you all look like you're gonna pass out" Zack tells them and they tiredly nod their heads. "Come on Bub" I haul Corbyn up and carry him to the car with his arm slung on top of my shoulder.

When we get to the hotel the boys all fall asleep in their rooms and I undress Corbyn and let him sleep as I crawl next to him and snuggle up to him.

-time skip-

We have just reached LA and were about to go see Logan and Brandon for a little bit then I have to go straight to the hospital for my surgery. Corbyn said he would come with me to get ready and the boys would bring Brandon and Logan while I was in. We walk up to Logan's from door and knock. The door opens and Ayla appears and she looks shocked to see us. "Jocelyn?!" She squeals and I nod hugging her. She ushers us inside and we see the Logan editing and Brandon playing in the floor and as soon as they see us they jump up excitedly and run to hug us.

I hug my brother because I don't if I'm gonna come back after this. "Hey bud" I hug him softly trying not to cry. I can already I'm gonna be very emotional today. The boys bro hug Logan and I give him a big bear hug while he chuckles. "Hey J" He says softly in my ear and I smile. "I missed you big brother" I tell him and he smiles. "I missed you too little sister" he says

Corbyn tells all the boys when they can come by and tells them the information to come into the private part of the hospital. He drives us to the hospital all while grabbing my hands with his sweaty ones. I can tell that he's nervous so I squeeze his hand to reassure him hat things will go well. He smiles at me weakly while driving. When we get to the hospital I fill in my details and the doctors tell Corbyn to wait outside while I'm in the operating theatre. He kisses me like his life depends on it and I fight back tears.

They give me anesthesia while I'm in surgery and I slip into a dreamless sleep.

-another time skip-

Once I wake up I see I'm in a room with white walls and I'm surrounded by all the boys. My room is covered in flowers and get well soon cards. I decide to read few while the boys wake up. Corbyn was pink the bed with me cuddled up to my side and so was Brandon. The rest of the boys were on the chairs in the room. A nurse soon walks in and looks shocked o see the number of people in the room. "Hello love, my name is nurse Evie and I just came to change your IV and tell you that your operation went well and that your tumors were successfully removed but there are some precautions that you need to take so that your cancer doesn't come back" she tells me and I couldn't feel more relieved.

Jonah was the first person to wake up and when he saw me awake he immediately jumped into action asking if I needed anything which I found adorable upon his part, when I told him no he left to go get him and the rest of the boys some coffee. Once everyone awoke and they all held me and a few tears were shed over my successful surgery we had to leave. Logan had gone out to sign my discharge papers. Corbyn looks at me tearfully "Jocelyn I was so scared when they took you away, I thought I wasn't gonna see you again, I-I love you" He tells me.

I smile at him tears streaming down my face. "I love you too Corbs" I laugh through my tears and he runs up to me and hugs me gently kissing me. Gosh do I love this boy. He made this whole surgery worth it.

PERFECTLY IMPERFECT (Corbyn Besson)Where stories live. Discover now