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Today was the day I had to go back with the boys on tour. It's been so much fun just being at home and not having to do much but I'm kind of excited to get back on the road. I had just said goodbye to Logan and Ayla who were still taking Care of Brandon. I might of asked them if they would like me to get him a full time babysitter but Ayla told me that she loved him to death.

We had just arrived at the airport when I turned to look at Brandon. He had tears swimming in his chocolate orbs. "Oh hun" I coo pulling him to my lap. "I don't want you to leave Jossy" he mumbles, tears slipping from his eyes. "Baby, I'll only be gone another 2 months and then I'm gonna come right back okay?" I tell him softly. He attempts a small smile for my sake but I can tell it's fake. "Okay" he mumbles in defeat.

"Don't give Ayla and Logan a hard time okay and remember I love you to the moon and back" I tell him with my pinkie out. "To the moon and back" he mumbles wrapping his finger around mine. "Okay babe, it's time to leave." Corbyn calls me from outside. I nod sadly and kiss Brandon on the cheek saying a quick I miss you and goodbye to the rest of the gang. We make our way to the gate we're supposedly boarding at.

-skip plane ride-

Once we've touched down in Europe the boys couldn't keep in their excitement. When we touched down we had a full day to go site seeing and be actual tourists and then tomorrow we head onto the road for the first show here. The boys and I decide to visit this cute little cafe down the street from our hotel. We didn't tell anyone that we would be here early so I don't think anybody saw us.

We sit down and order our drinks just making small talk, I see Corbyn busy on his phone so I kiss his cheek and he quickly locks his  phone and puts it away smiling at me. "Hey what're doing on you're phone?" I ask him and he just smiles. "Nothing, just some emails I needed to catch up on" He tells me but I can tell he's lying. He always fiddles with his hands when he's nervous or lying.

I don't ask any further questions, I just smile and nod. He smiles and joins the boys conversation. I wonder what he was actually doing. Maybe he was actually catching up on emails. Or maybe he was texting someone important. Maybe he's doing something for our 1 month anniversary. Yup that's it.

Once were done in the cafe we walk around just browsing through some street stores and we enter a mall. It's huge and has basically everything here. Corbyn and I immediately go towards the shoes. Him towards the men and me towards the women. We must've spent like 4 hours shopping because soon it was time for dinner. We all decided to sit at this cute diner outside the mall.

The waitress that came to our table kept flirting with Daniel and Corbyn so I got a little bit jealous. "Hi what would you handsome guys like to drink?" She says in a sultry voice and I cringe because she sounds drunk. "I'll have a water" Daniel says and I block out the rest of them, glaring at the blond bimbo that thinks she's all that.

"Babe? Baby?" I hear Corbyns voice. "Huh?" I say looking at him. He chuckles. "I was asking what you wanted to drink" he tells me and I blush. "Um, I'll have a coke" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. What a bitch I think to myself. "Hey maybe if you keep rolling your eyes you'll find a brain back there" I shoot at her and all the boys 'ooh'. She gasps and stomps away and I laugh along with the rest of the boys.

She must've learn hero lesson because when she came back to ask for our meals she didn't even spend a second more at our table and scurried away to deliver our orders to the chef. I must admit that was pretty funny, I now notice that Corbyn keeps checking his phone every five minutes like he's waiting for something. Odd.

Once we've reached the hotel room, Corbyn and I decide to ignore the fact that Corbyn seems anxious for a text or call on his phone and bath. I shower quickly and change into my pajamas. Corbyn and I share a hotel room. I lie on the bed scrolling through Instagram when a picture of Corbyn and another girl comes up. I know she's not a fan because the two were kissing in the picture.

"Hey Corbyn who's this?" I ask him and his eyes widen slightly and he looks nervous. "Um, she's my ex-girlfriend Christina" he tells me. Oh. "Oh okay" I tell him softly, hurt by the fact that he didn't tell me this earlier. I mean I would've appreciated if he told me this himself than me finding out on Instagram. "Hey, I don't like her anymore alright, I love you and only you". He tells me assuringly. I nod and kiss him

Once Corbyn breaks the kiss to go shower, I go lie down and read one of my favorite books. 'Unlawful desire' by Chelle Bliss. I'm halfway through the second chapter when Corbyn emerges from the Bathroom in his boxers. Shit. I remove my eyes from his torso and blush. I can here his chuckles. He lies down next to me and I put my book down next to me and lay my head in his chest. "I love you" He tells me and I giggle. "I love you too" I say

He switches of the lights and we slip into a comfortable silence, Corbyn starts softly humming 'just to see you smile' and I close my eyes.

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