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Once I'm done showering and doing my usual make up routine I change into:

Once I'm done showering and doing my usual make up routine I change into:

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(Hair and makeup is the same^^)

Once I'm ready and have gotten Brandon ready (he already ran downstairs) I walk downstairs to see a ready Corbyn playing with Brandon. Gosh I'm so stupid where am I going to leave Brandon when I'm at my appointment?!. "Hey J, you look worried what's up?" Corbyn questions. "Oh um, I don't know where I'm gonna do with Brandon because he can't come with me to my appointment" I tell him sheepishly. He chuckles and I look at him confused " Don't worry I can take him with me so he can spend time with the boys and I since we have a day off" he tells me. I hug him "thank you corb" I tell him. He just hugs me tighter . Damn being in his arms feel nice. WAIT what the hell is wrong with me, get your head clear Jocelyn!

"So you ready to go?" Corbyn questions as we pull away. I nod and usher Brandon outside to Corbyns car. Brandon runs to the car and opens the back door as soon as it's unlocked and Corbyn being the gentleman he is, opens my door for me, I blush and thank him. I climb in and Corbyn closes the door for me, then walks around the car to his side. The car ride is spent with us singing horribly to songs that come on to the radio and cheesy jokes I don't think I've laughed this hard since mom and dad died I say to myself

Once we reach the hospital I turn to look at Brandon "Hey bud, I've got to go to an appointment bu you're gonna spend sometime with the boys okay?" I tell him softly. Brandon's known about my Leukemia for a while now because I had to tell him why we were moving, he took it well considering he's 7 but then again he really doesn't understand my disease fully. He kind of just thinks it's like the flu and will go away some day. Boy I wish it would just disappear. Brandon smiles at me " Will Corbyn be there?" He asks me barely being able to contain his excitement. Next to me, Corbyn chuckles " yeah bud, I'm gonna be there" he smiles at him.

"You better not be trying to steal my brother away from me Corb" I tell him jokingly whilst pointing my index finger at him. "I mean you can clearly see he likes me more than you" he tells me smiling cockily. I scoff and ouch his shoulders. I see that we have five minutes until the appointment so I turn to Corbyn and hug him "thank you Corb for bringing me here and taking care of Brandon. If he is a problem please phone me" I tell him. He hugs me back and pulls back after a while " Don't worry J, hope your appointment goes well" he tells me smiling.

I smile at them both before exiting the car and walking to the hospital. I go to the receptionist smiling at her. "Good morning I'm here for an appointment with Dr Maistry" I tell her. She smiles at me cheerfully " Morning, she's in room C14" she tells me. I must display my confused state because she chuckles at me and tells me "down the hall" I nod at her and start walking. Once I make it to C14 I knock on the door and soon a lady that looks in her mid 30s gestures me into the room. I smile at her and enter. "Good Morning Jocelyn, My name is Celia" she tells me softly. I smile at her.

The appointment consists off the usual, my excercise, my diet, any strain I've been putting on myself. She then takes me into a new room smiling at me soothingly " So we just need to take a brain scan and I can tell you if you've improved with your condition or deteriorated. I nod and smile. Once I'm done wit my scan she goes to look over the result and tells me just to sit in the room. I got to sit and anxiously chew on my thumb. It's a bad habit of mine since I was young. She soon comes walking back in and smiles at me which seems to calm me a bit, " I have some good and bad news"she tells me.

"Well the good news is that you have improved with your condition and are most likely to be rid of your Leukemia in a few months but the bad news is that if you put any sort of strain on your body your condition could worsen immediately" I nod. "I'm supposed to be a dance instructor for my friends for the next few months should that be a problem?" I ask. She looks down at her papers then back at me. "No, it shouldn't unless you work too hard, just try to stay hydrated and keep yourself in good health and you should be fine." She tells me. I nod excitedly and she smile at me.

Once I'm done at the hospital I'm excited to share the news with Brandon and the boys. My heart flutters at the thought of Corbyn and once again I left confused. Why the hell do I feel like this? I'm not falling for Corbyn! I literally just met him 2 days ago?! Ugh this is so confusing. The drive to the boys house is uneventful besides me softly singing to the songs on the radio. Once I get to the boys house I park my car I make my way up the stairs to the front door when I hear chaos happening inside. Confused I ring the doorbell and soon I here people whispering in not so hush voices and soon the door opens to reveal a flour covered Jonah. Um what? "Heyyyy J" Jonah says nervously.. oh god.

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