The truth

21 4 0

Jocelyn's POV

My hands shake as I get off the phone with my doctor. He had told me the blood work had come back and he would email me the results. I walk out of the bathroom to see a sleeping Corbyn. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. He deserves so much better than this, he deserves so much better than me. I sigh defeatedly and let my thoughts consume me.

Corbyns eyes flutter open and he sees me. He smile and motions for me to come back to bed, even though I knew that he could do so much better than me I make my way towards him and cuddle with him until he wakes up fully. As were cuddling I try to think about how I'm going to tell everyone, I know I have to tell my Aunt and Uncle but I'm can't help but feel like I need to tell Corbyn first.

Corbyn smiles down at me tiredly and I rub my hands across his cheek. "Morning love" I whisper and he pecks my lips. "Morning" he replies snuggling closer to my form. I sigh and I move to get up but Corbyn has other plans as his grip on my waist tightens. "Don't go" he mumbles through the fabric of my tank top. I run my hands through his hair, "Corbs, we gotta get ready for today" I tell him and he moves away reluctantly.

As I leave Corbyn to get ready in my bathroom I make my way downstairs to see my Uncle,, Aunt and Brandon all siting the table talking animatedly. "Morning" I chirp and they all reply back. I make my way to the cereal and make myself a bowl. As I finish I sit down and eat my breakfast as I wait for Corbyn to come downstairs. Out of the corner of my eyes I see my Aunt and Uncle look to me sympathetically and I turn to look at them.

My uncle clears his throat and looks at Brandon. "Hey Bud, I think spongebob reruns I are on why don't you go watch it before it finishes" he says and Brandon nods enthusiastically running out of the room. They turn to look at me and my aunt puts her hand over mine. "Munchkin, I know we haven't been with you guys for a little while but that doesn't mean you don't have to stop telling us things" My uncle says and I frown looking at them. "What are you talking about?" I question not knowing where this is coming from.

"We've seen your medical bills Jocelyn, why have you been taking out blood?" My aunt questions and my eyes well up. I sniffles and pull my hand away from hers. "It's nothing" I say quickly and stand up. My uncle and aunt stand up together and they move with me. "Do you think you're in relapse?" My uncle whispers almost inaudible. Tears leak down my face and I nod, soon comforted by the hug of my uncle and aunt. I try to quieten down my sobs so that Corbyn or Brandon won't be able to hear.

My uncle rubs my back soothingly while my aunt whispers comforting words in my ears. I hear footsteps coming near the kitchen and I see Corbyn walking towards the kitchen with a smile that's soon dropped off his face when he takes in my sobbing form. "Hey Hey Hey, what's wrong?" His concerned voice can be heard but I can't focus on it. I'm scared, so fucking scared. If my Leukemia comes back what the hell am I gonna do.

I'm going down a spiral and I can't afford to bring anyone down with me. That includes Corbyn. "Corbyn" I whisper meekly and my uncle soon let's go of me and I'm brought into the comforting arms of my boyfriend soon to be ex. I can't stop him from leaving after I tell him this. My aunt and uncle make their way to the TV room so that gives Corbyn and I a chance to talk. "I want to tell you that I will always love you, and I can't stop you from walking out on us after I've told you what I need to tell you" I say tearfully as I pull away and I hurt flash across his eyes.

"Baby I would never ever walk away from us" he tells me. I nod even though I don't believe his words. "Okay" I take a deep breathe and begin. "That day I told you I had gone to the doctor to see if I had a virus or some stomach bug...I had actually gone because I seemed to be having relapse symptoms." I tell him and I hear his sharp intake of breath. "I didn't mean to not tell you but I was scared, I was so scared you were gonna leave...a-and I couldn't let you, I-I don't want to let you" I sob and his arms come back around me.

I calm down and Corbyn continues holding me as traitorous tears leak down my face. I tell him about my blood work and how my doctor will email me the results today and by the end I can no longer hold myself together. "You can go if you want to" I tell him and I feel his arms wrap around me more securely and he lifts me up and places me on the kitchen counter. I gasp at the coldness but gulp at the intensity of Corbyns eyes.

"I made you a promise, a promise to never break your heart and I intend to keep that promise until the day I die, so tell me this Jocelyn, if I left you here today...alone in this house. Would i not be breaking my own promise? I promise you Jocelyn that when we get those results, I'm going to be right next to you every step of the way" he tells me and I grab hold of him tightly. I sob into his shoulder and I can feel the dampness of my tank top.

I pull his face to meet mine. "Hey baby,no don't cry" I say softly and I wipe his tears. He hugs me once more before wiping my own tears. "I love you so so much" he whispers and I chuckle sadly though my tears. "I love you too" I whisper crying and he pulls me into a heartbreaking kiss. I don't want this to end

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