Chapter Twenty-Eight

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This chapter is long and messy af so with that being said 👀🍿

Enjoy ♥️

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Last night was so incredibly special to me. Dominic shared a piece of himself with me that was so personal to him, and I am honored that he chose to do so with me. He honestly makes me want to be a better person just off the way he carries and conducts himself.

That's what life should be about. Surrounding yourself with people who light a fire inside of you. To be better, and to help others. He is always helping others and that makes me want to do the same.

After leaving Will and Jada's restaurant last night, he and I literally drove around for hours just talking. He showed me some places that meant something to him. Like the basketball court he use to practice on, and his old high school.

We sat in the parking lot of his high school talking about our dreams. I love when he speaks to me freely about his passions in life. The fact that he loves to draw and would love to create art for galleries, or how his eyes light up when he speaks on designing his own creations for his own clothing line.

Seeing him happy makes me feel complete.

The fact that I get to see a side of him that no one else gets to see makes me feel special. It makes me feel like he saves the best parts of himself to share only with me. His spirit is so unbelievably beautiful that sometimes being in his presence makes me emotional.

Being able to connect with him mentally is so fulfilling. I've never had a connection this strong with someone, and it lets me know that I chose the right path when I decided to first build a friendship with him.

At this point he knows me better than I know myself, and I could say the same applies to me with him. We connect on levels deeper than anyone walking this Earth could ever understand. That thought alone makes me smile because it is like I have my own personal paradise within him.

We got back to his mom's house extremely late last night. So we had to sneak in like we are a couple of rebellious teenagers so we wouldn't wake anyone, and that was difficult as hell because we are entirely to goofy to be serious when around one another.

Dominic being the hard headed Taurus he is still slept in my room last night. This is probably one of the reasons why we connect so well due to us both being Tauruses. My birthday being April 21st and his May 5th.

I am currently just now getting back to the house after spending most of the morning with Dreka. I decided last minute to get Dom another Christmas gift, that I needed to get personalized. She decided to tag along so that I wouldn't be by myself.

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