Chapter Forty-Seven

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Was I really about to do this? Have sex with the man I love. Am I honestly ready to take this step with him?

We've been together for almost eight months, and it's not that I don't want to but I'm scared.

The last person I fully gave myself to ended up breaking my heart. Being cheated on is one of the worst things someone could ever do in a relationship. It makes you feel like you did something wrong when it is the person who cheated fault.

For so long I blamed myself for his infidelity. I thought that I wasn't pretty enough so that contributed to him doing what he did. It broke my self esteem down more than it already was. I felt like I wasn't good enough so him cheating on me was just because I didn't satisfy him.

I don't think that I could take that pain again, but Dominic has shown be nothing but love since I've gotten to know him. I know for a fact that he would never do anything like that to me.

So I guess I just answered my own question. My love for that man is so strong and so deep, that I would do anything for him. He has been so patient with me and I'm finally ready to fully give all of myself to him.

Speaking of Dominic, what is taking him so long? He went to go get water five minutes ago. I know he didn't get lost. He practically lives here when we aren't at his place, so he should've been back here by now.

I rise from my bed pulling down his t-shirt that adorns my body. I slowly begin making my way to the kitchen to see what is taking him so long.

As I walk down the hallway, I hear hushed voices coming from the kitchen. Is Lauren up? Because that's the only other person he could be speaking to.

As I round the corner the sight before me honestly breaks my heart as a loud gasp escapes my mouth.

"What the fuck is going on in here!" I yell as the two quickly separate.

It takes a minute for my brain to fully register what it just saw. My boyfriend ,the man I've fallen so deeply in love with, and best friend had their lips pressed against one another.

"Baby." Dom says slowly trying to approach me as I look at him with wide eyes as I try to hold back my tears. I hold my hand up telling him not to come near me.

"Raelle it's not what it looks like." Lauren says as I look past Dominic to get a good look at her. She is now crying as she begins to explain what happened.

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