Chapter Sixty-Two

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"Shit." I groaned as the blindingly bright sun shines through the window waking me up from my uncomfortable sleep.

Damn this place ain't got no curtains? I ask myself shielding my eyes with my arm.

This bright ass sun ain't doing shit for this pounding headache I have. It's honestly making it worse. My body feels like it is being weighed down by a ton of bricks.

How much did I drink last night?

Stretching the arm that was once draped across my eyes out to my left, I feel around looking to pull Raelle's body closer to mine, but am met by empty space.

Where the hell am I?

Slowly opening my eyes I realize I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. If I'm being honest I don't remember much from last night. The last thing I remember is dancing with Teyana.

Everything is a blur after that .

The sudden smell of bacon cooking knocks me out of my thoughts as I rise from the couch slowly making my way into the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Dreka stirring something in a pot on the stove and Teyana sitting at the island cutting up pieces of fruit I'm assuming for breakfast.

"Wassup y'all." I say opening the refrigerator to grab a Gatorade. I then walk pass Dreka standing at the stove to grab some Advil from the cabinet to stop this headache.

"Don't wassup us nigga!" Teyana says pointing the knife in her hand at me as I come to sit down next to her at the island.

"Damn what I do to you? A nigga just woke up." I ask honestly confused.

"It's not about what you did to us. It what you did to Raelle." Dreka says making my eyebrows furrow in complete confusion.

"You sitting over there looking like a dumbass, so that must mean you don't remember shit from last night?" Teyana asks going back to cutting up the fruit in front of her.

"Can y'all stop talking in fucking circles and just explain what the fuck happened last night." I huff agitation present in my tone. Ain't nobody got time for this run around shit.

"Nigga who the fuck you think you talking too? I will bust ya ass right here in this fucking kitchen! Try me again Dominic Maurice!" Teyana says sounding just like her damn mama.

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