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Alec's POV

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket again, making me jump a little, I need to answer it but I can't, I'm kinda busy slaying demons. Simon, Izzy, Jace, Clarie and Me are in the middle of Central Park slaying some demons that got loose, we're the best team so we're the ones that usually get send to this kinda missions. Even though Simon's not a Shadowhunter, he's a good soldier.

Finally, Izzy kills the last deamon with her whip and we're done for the day. We all sigh in relief and take a moment to regain our strength, of course we also use our strength rune. After a while we decide to head back to the institute to clean ourselves, since we're all covered in demon ichore.

As soon as we arrive I can feel my phone buzz again, and I immediately get it out to answer. The ID shows 'James' along with a picture of him.

(I know this is Grayson Dolan, and I know he's the sweetest guy ever

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(I know this is Grayson Dolan, and I know he's the sweetest guy ever. I'm just using him for this fanfic as James)

I sigh heavily and answer the call before I have 13 missed calls.

A: Hey James, what's up?- I say with fake excitement in my voice.

J: What's up? What's up? Seriously? I've called you like a thousand times and you ask what's up? Why didn't you answer me before? What were you doing?- he sounded pretty mad.

A: I'm sorry, I was just really busy- my voice is soft, I don't want to piss him of anymore.

J: Busy? With what? What's more important than your fucking boyfriend?- okay, the shouting wasn't necessary.

A: Nothing, I'm sorry! My phone was just in silence, I'm sorry J- I change my tone to a sad one, hoping he believes me.

J: Ugh! Whatever! Just Answer me on the first call next time, or there will be consequences! Understood?- by the Angel, consequences? What does that mean?

A: Yes yes, I promise! I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I swear!- I think that the fear is clear in my voice.

J: You better not! Now, I'll see you tomorrow at ten am in my apartment. You better be there on time or else...Got it?- oh God, why?

A: Yes, I'll be there- someone kill me please.

After that he just hangs up, without even saying goodbye, rude. But I think I'm used to it bye now, I mean, after 3 months of him being like that.

James and I have been dating for 5 months now, the first two months were fine, but starting the third month he started acting cold and kinda rude towards me. I don't know what changed in him or what I did to him, but he's definitely not the sweet and romantic guy I first met.

I: Hey big brother, is everything alright?- Izzy is always trying to take care of me, I love her for that.

A: Yeah, it's just James. I missed 12 of his calls while we were fighting those demons. Nothing huge though- I say shaking my head.

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