Chapter 1

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" Isabella! Are you almost ready? It's time to go!" I heard the raspy voice of my manager as he banged heavily on my penthouse door.

" I am coming Bill, one second!" I called from the nearby bathroom, but i wasn't ready yet.

Today, October 2, was my 25th birthday, and I was feeling as old as ever. I had gotten calls from fellow athletes, family, and friends from around the world, all wishing me the same thing; A Happy Birthday.

I stared back at myself in the mirror, my long brown hair ran down to my hip, and was freshly curled from my curling wand. My small greyish-blue eyes stared back at me, with gold shimmering eyeshadow covering my small eyelids. I finished my makeup look by applying a deep red lipstick to my full lips, kissing the air infront of me in satisfaction. 

" Do I need to break in again?" Bill called, getting more and more angry with me.

" No! I'm just getting my shoes..." I rushed out the bathroom, panicking to decide which shoes would go best with my dress. 

I was wearing a slim black dress with thick gold stripes running horizontal across it every few inches. I didn't like wearing such revealing clothes, because all people said was "nice muscles" and never complimented the article of clothing itself, just how my skiier body looked in it. I decided to wear a pair of Louis Vuitton pumps that were black, and bright red on the bottom.

" Isabella Margret Krause, I swear-" Bill started again, but I grabbed my cellphone and opened the door before he could get another word in.

" Ready!" I smiled, closing the door and pressing the lock button on the keypad behind me.

" Good," I mumbled, " The limo is outside waiting for you, have a good night, I'm in the room just below if you need anything." Bill stalked away back to his room, and I headed the other direction for the elevator.

My friends were throwing me a birthday party at a dance bar in downtown Munich, and I was super excited, I haven't had a night out in 9 months. I emerged onto the first floor, into the grande hall that is the front enterance to my penthouse.

" Have fun tonight Izzy!" Jacob from the front desk smiled at me, and I smiled back.

" Thanks Jake! If you get off soon, feel free to drop by, I'd love to see you there!"

" I just might then!" He said, returning his gaze back down the the computer screen, and I continued towards the front doors.

As I exited the building, I was greeted by a swarm of flashing lights from paparazzi, blinding my eyes. Immediatly I was engulfed by a security gaurd, or two, and pushed down the steps towards the open door of the limo.

" In you go Miss. Krause, have a good night." Said one security gaurd before pushing me in and slamming the door.

This was the life I had been living for 5 years now, constant attention, spotlight, and it never went away, ever. I guess that is what I signed up for when I agreed to represent Germany in the Olympics.  I had a pretty steady schedule, wake up, train, interview, train, interview, charity event, then sleep. But this Saturday night was going to be a good one, I could already tell by the way the stars were shining through my tinted limo windows.

Getting ushered into the dance club was also a blur of flashing lights, but instantly stopped as the doors closed behind me.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISALBELLA!" Was what filled my ears as I emerged into the loud room pounding with beat-dropping music, smell of alcohol, and filled with my friends. The shining lights of the disco ball filled the dance floor, bar, and walls as well.

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