16 ~ dinner with them

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

Chaeyoung was crying into her legs while she sat on her mattress. Lisa's words still echoing through her mind.

She needed to stop. Stop letting Lisa care for her. In the end, Chaeyoung would just hurt Lisa. She was too broken, too fucked up.

How could she be so lucky and have such a selfless and beautiful person like Lisa caring about her?

It had to be a trick, something was going to go wrong. Chaeyoung decided that she wouldn't even let the universe get the chance.

Lisa needed to stop caring about her.

Chaeyoung looked up from her knees to the pills scattered across the floor. Some she picked up and put away.

Others she picked up and chucked them viciously at the walls before she returned to her fits of crying.

She was practically throwing a tantrum because she couldn't understand why Lisa cared about her.

And the fear of knowing how much she seemed to care.

At some point, Chaeyoung fell asleep between her crying. She woke up early afternoon to the glorious sound of the pager again.

Who needs an alarm anyways?

She didn't need to change since she was already wearing her uniform from earlier. So Chaeyoung just took a pill that laid next to her and left.

After removing a snake from someone's campsite, which damn near bit her, she walked gloomily around the camp. Finding other things to do.

She hid behind a tree when she heard the familiar laughs. Ami and Lisa walked by talking about some old memory they shared.

Chaeyoung watched them as they rented a small canoe from the shop and walked with it down to the water.

They ended up dropping it and began laughing with each other.

Chaeyoung smiled but it quickly faded when she realized how happy the two were. And how dull her life really seemed to be.

She returned to the sprinklers, turning them on and walking away. Back up the small hill, then down the road to her trailer.

Spending the rest of her day wondering what Lisa and her mom were doing as she either laid on her mattress or went out to fix something.

Just to then return to her 'happy' home.

After some time of laying around, she fell asleep. Catching up on it since her sleep schedule was so messed up.

Chaeyoung opened her eyes from the feeling of arms around her. Staring widely at Lisa who was cuddled up next to her.

Lisa opened her eyes too and looked into hers.

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