102 ~ happy birthday rosie

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

When you're with someone you love, they passively help you forget about the negative things. Just their presence alone can help you feel warm.

Even on the coldest of days.

Sometimes though, if the day is cold enough, that passive love for you they radiate isn't enough.

Sometimes they have to acknowledge the pain you bare to held bring you out of it. All by getting you though it.

Chaeyoung couldn't really breathe or move after hearing what day it was. The revelation that today was her birthday practically ceasing her functions.

She had completely forgotten about her birthday.

Lisa kissed her cheek then propped up onto her arms. Looking down over her with the sad smile she seemed to wear a lot for her.

"It's... my birthday?"

"Yeah, it is." Lisa whispered. "Happy eighteenth." Lisa smiled. "Well technically nineteenth because of the Korean age thing. Or is it still eighteenth because they consider the a-"

Lisa's voice practically began to fade to her as she clenched her eyes shut. Having the overwhelming feeling to cry.

The quiet sobs already escaping her lips as she failed to hold them back.

"Oh Rosie... no no no don't cry." Lisa spoke, wrapping her in a hug.

Chaeyoung held onto Lisa's shirt in front of her and sobbed. Feeling the darkness and depression creep up onto her like a fog.

"It's your day baby." Lisa whispered softly to her. "I want you to still enjoy it."

"I c-can't Lisa." She cried. Thinking of Alice and her dad in the front seats of their car. "It's their a-anniversary. I can't be happy."

She felt Lisa try to pull back but Chaeyoung wouldn't let her go. Only holding onto her tighter as she sobbed.

"Nonsense. I know they would want you to be happy. And I know you know that too." Lisa whispered to her while wrapping her arms tighter around her. "Just breathe baby. Take your time."

Chaeyoung felt like she couldn't breathe though. She felt like any progress she had made for the better was being tossed out by the darkness of the day.

She began to feel her fingers twitch and heart rate climbing but Lisa just squeezed her tighter.

Lisa's body was still really warm. Letting her mind focus on it. She could feel her heartbeat too. One thump, two thumps.

A steady beat she soon synced with. Not even realizing she had stopped crying.

Lisa started removing one of her arms from around her. Letting the other one remain wrapped lightly around her still.

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