36 ~ i like her

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(Lisa pov)

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(Lisa pov)

Lisa was semi freaking out as she changed into her crop top and sweats.

Her mom had been winking, smirking, and acting just plain weird lately.

And now Lisa is pretty sure she knows why. Her mom... knows she likes Chaeyoung. Is it really that obvious?

Maybe? Probably.

Lisa was a mess.

And so was her bun. She tried to tighten it but her ends just kept sprawling everywhere. "Ugh whatever!" She huffed.

Lisa grabbed her windbreaker and made her way downstairs.

Her mom was on the couch while Chaeyoung was sketching at the dining room table. Lisa purposefully did not look at her mother.

She walked over to Chaeyoung and leaned on the back of her seat, peering over her shoulder.

"Whatcha sketching Chae?"

"A tree."

"It's pretty."

"Thanks." She said shyly.

"Of course." Lisa then made her way into the kitchen. She filled her water bottle and took a couple swigs.

Yet Lisa being all shaky from assuming her mom knew all, spilt water on herself. "Crap that's cold!" She quickly wiped the water off her exposed stomach.

Lisa looked up and saw Chaeyoung looking towards her. They made eye contact for a second which made Chae quickly look down.

Was Chae checking her out?

Lisa was still looking at her when Chaeyoung got up and walked over to Ami. Pretty thankful Chae was facing the opposite direction, because right now, she was as red as a tomato.

"Ready to show me?" Her mom spoke.

Chaeyoung nodded. Bending down and giving Ami her sketchbook.

"Oh Chae, it's wonderful. You captured it perfectly. Thank you for drawing this for me. You're really talented."

"Thanks Ami."

Lisa would be completely moved by this small exchange. Maybe even brought to tears. But she was too busy to even take in what was happening.

When Chaeyoung got up, Lisa couldn't help but look her up and down.

Ever since she started buying Chaeyoung lunch a couple weeks ago and feeding her regular meals these past several days, she's been gaining a little weight.

In all the right places.

For some reason her waist didn't get touched, but her arms, thighs, and, well... let's just say she sits on it, had gained some extra pounds.

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