44 ~ when lips met

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

After several minutes had went by in Ami's embrace, Chaeyoung finally felt herself calming down.

She could easily tell you why she was being the emotional mess that she was. It was because she hated herself, for making Lisa cry.

"Chaeyoung?" Ami whispered softly as she broke the hug and looked at her. "No matter what happened. If my daughter is anything, she's forgiving."

"But I... I made it sound l-like she didn't care. When I knew she did." Chaeyoung sniffed.

"Chaeyoung... I'm telling you right now, that my daughter likes you. A lot. You know she does. You know how much she cares about you."

"If you go to her now. You wouldn't even need to apologize to her. She would probably end up apologizing to you. Even if you were to have cut off her foot." Ami joked.

Chaeyoung smiled and wiped her tears away. It was funny because it was true. She knew it because Lisa had already apologized to her.

For Chaeyoung's own stupid actions.

"Will you go to her then?" Ami asked her.

Chaeyoung nodded. A wave of relief falling over her when the nod didn't make her head hurt at all. No pain what so ever.

This was the first time since she's been there that she hasn't been in physical pain.

But the mental pain right now? She was being crushed by.

She needed to go to her. And make things right.

Chaeyoung hugged Ami one more time before going up the stairs to Lisa's room again. Watching as Ami walked by and held a thumb up before entering her room.

Closing the door softly and leaving Chaeyoung alone in the hallway.

She turned back to the door and noticed it was still ajar. Slowly pushing it a softly so she could peek in.

The music she had heard before was still playing. An album of some sort. Or playlist. Something that Lisa needed it seemed.

Lis was sitting on her bed. Eyes closed. Lightly singing along to the words. Chaeyoung could barely hear her over the music.

But she still could.

- "Pools" NIKI -

The small sniffles between each sentence as she felt the music. "Why'd you let me sink in? Pools of wishful thinking? I don't want to swim anymore."

"Look at all these bloodstains. I've been calling warpaint. There ain't nothing left to fight for." Lisa sang along.

Chaeyoung felt the pain in her heart seeing Lisa's face. There was so much emotion on it. She was truly sad and being influenced by the words.

She swears she could listen to her all night, but Chaeyoung couldn't. Instead, she interrupted the girls singing and entered.

"Chae?" Lisa asked, opening and blinking her eyes at her after hearing the door creek.

Chaeyoung pulled the door closed behind her as Lisa stood up and met her half way.

"I'm sorry," Chaeyoung started. "I... I didn't mean to yell at you."

"I know." Lisa whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Why s-should you be?" Chaeyoung asked her. "I was the one not accepting the fact that I needed help for... the pain."

"Because I made it sound like you had to take the medicine to get better. When you don't." She smiled sadly. "You're strong enough not to."

"But I'm not." Chaeyoung stated. "It hurt bad. I was just dumb... I felt like I'd be failing if I did."

"But you wouldn't."

"I know that now..." She whispered sadly. "So I took it."

Lisa's eyes widened. "You... took it? The medicine?"

Chaeyoung nodded and looked down.

Suddenly Lisa's arms were around her. Chaeyoung immediately felt warm as she snuggled into her.

"I was already proud of you. But I'm even more now." Lisa whispered to her. "I know you didn't want to, but thank you."

"I should be thanking you."

Lisa pulled out of their embrace and smiled. "Now you're no longer in pain right?"

Chaeyoung nodded.

She hadn't even realized the next song had started playing off the album.

It was a slower one. The first few words already filling them both with emotion.

- "Around" NIKI -

"You love me with your bones. You hold me when I'm broke. You don't ask for a thing. Oh I hope it's you they put me in the ground by." The artist sang.

Lisa put her hand out sweetly. "May I have this dance?" Lisa whispered. After seemingly realizing she was listening to the song.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "I c-can't dance Lis."

"Nonsense." Lisa smiled before taking Chaeyoung's hand anyways.

Lisa pulled her in close, placing her hands on her waist as Chaeyoung brought her own arms up and around Lisa's neck.

The music played out as they swayed slowly back and forth with each other. Their body's pressed up against one another's and their eyes staring into the other's.

Chaeyoung was pretty sure she wasn't breathing. Just listening to the song as she stared at Lisa. Not really knowing how Lis could forgive her for snapping so easily.

But the way her mind and body relaxed in Lisa's presence, let her know that Lisa... probably felt the exact same way.

Around her.

"Round and round we go. So much I don't know. But even though this ain't pretty and simple like a bed of roses. 'Least I know my hope is, That you stick around 'til the end. 'Cause you're my best friend."

Lisa was mouthing the words now, smiling softly at her. Chaeyoung could feel her cheeks get warm as she smiled too. Biting her lips slightly.

The song was coming to an end. Chaeyoung could tell. And she almost didn't want it to. The way they swayed together, the way this felt. It was perfect.

Chaeyoung listened as the last few sentences of the song played, Lisa not only mouthing them now, but saying them too.

Her face was soft but full of content as she did. Chaeyoung found her own eyes getting a little wider as she listened to her.

"Right now I've nothing to lose. You love me, I love you."

The songs music was still ending, but Chaeyoung couldn't hear it. She could only hear her heartbeat as she and Lisa unknowingly stopped swaying.

They stood there, Lisa's hands on her waist while Chaeyoung's arms still around her neck. Her fingers playing with her baby hairs.

Both were looking from eyes to lips, until they found themselves entrapped in each other's gaze.

That's when they started leaning.

Slowly bringing their lips to each other's. Their noses brushing ever so lightly as they came closer.

Both Lisa and Chaeyoung herself kept their eyes open. Watching each other as they got the closest they could without connecting.

Until the last second, when Chaeyoung closed her eyes. And felt as Lisa closed the gap between them.

When their lips finally met.

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