98 ~ an aquarium date

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

When Chaeyoung opened her eyes that morning, the position of the sun through their open window let her know that it was already early afternoon.

She closed her eyes and rubbed them with both her hands, realizing she was easily able to bring her arms up.

Was Lisa not beside her?

She sat up and looked around the room. Noticing Lisa was indeed not there.

The bathroom door seemed like it could have been moved? But Chaeyoung couldn't really remember either.

Roseanne got up and brushed her teeth. Brushing her hair and using the restroom before making her way down the stairs. Her eyes immediately softening at the sight of Lisa passed out at the table.

She walked behind her, studying the Thai as her head laid over her arms. Head down and chair scooted back as she snored lightly.

"Hope you're not getting sick." She whispered, leaning down and putting her arms around her. Pecking her neck. "You sound like you're having trouble breathing."

"Hm?" The girl twitched, starting to lift her head up.

"I said you sound like you're having trouble breathing babe. Why did you move out here? And why the table and not the couch?"

She backed off Lisa as the blonde turned around and looked at her, a small smile on her face. "I woke up early, but fell back asleep I guess."

Chaeyoung nodded, but something was adamantly clear to her as she looked over Lisa's puffy cheeks and red eyes. Pouting as Lis stood.


"Babe? Have you been crying?"

"I... uh..."

"Don't lie to me Lis..." She whispered. "I know you have been."

Lisa looked down and bit her lip. Chaeyoung watching as tears formed in her eyes. "Y-Yeah, I have been..."

"Lisa..." She spoke, wrapping her arms around her as Lisa began quietly crying into her shoulder. "It's okay, shhh... you're okay."

Chaeyoung just held her and ran her fingers lightly through Lisa's hair with her hand as she cried. Not knowing at all what she was so sad about.

But she'd comfort her and figure it out.

As Lisa's cries turned into sniffs, Chaeyoung eased back out of the embrace and looked at her, brushing hairs out of her face.

Lisa really did look like a little kid when she was sad.

"C-Can we go lay on the c-couch together?" Lisa's voice hiccuped as she spoke quietly.

"Of course we can." She smiled, intertwining her hand in Lisa's.

Lisa smiled a bit, Chaeyoung decided it was a good time to pull her over to the couch. She laid down and Lisa climbed on top of her. Stuffing her face down onto her chest.

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