41 ~ six wide eyes

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

Chaeyoung's eyes widened as Lisa smiled at her. "Oh um... yeah?"

"Well come on then, let's go." Lisa grabbed her hand and pulled her up and towards the back of the store.

Chaeyoung looked over her shoulder to Jennie who mouthed what looked like 'have fun'.

There were bows and arrows all across the walls and a man behind the counter waving to them. "Why hello again Lisa. Back for more?"

"Of course. I'm as good as that one guy from avengers now." Lisa chuckled.

"Sure thing Hawkeye. And who might this be?"

"My friend Chaeyoung."

"Hello Chaeyoung, goodluck. Lisa likes to bet on her arrows."

He winked at her then stepped out from behind the counter. "Let's get you both fitted."

Lisa was being strapped in first. Her left shoulder having a plate put over it and her arm getting a brace.

Then he placed a quiver around her hips and let it hang loose on her right side. "There all set, now it's your turn my dear." He said, gesturing for Chaeyoung.

She walked up and he lifted her arm, pulling the chest plate over her head and strapping it to her.

Chaeyoung could notice him eyeing her other arm while he put on the brace.

Ami had recently replaced the bandages and they were showing out of her sleeve a bit.

"You must have had a run in with Lisa's arrows." He joked. Chaeyoung just nodded and looked down.

She had almost forgotten that she scarred herself on her second night with Lisa. Chaeyoung immediately felt like she didn't deserve to be there.

Because the way she thanked the girl and her mom was by cutting herself. And here she was, having Lisa wasting her time with her.

When he was about to go put the quiver around her, Lisa quietly spoke up. "Can I do it?"

"Sure, why not? I'm sure you've watched me enough." He smiled and handed it to her. "I'll just observe and make sure you do it right.

Lisa thanked him and walked around to face Chaeyoung. Lisa gave her a look of sympathy.

As she brought the belt around her hips and attached the quiver, Chaeyoung could feel her finger tips brush across her skin.

It sent a shiver down her spine.

Lisa then stepped back and looked at it, making sure it was attached properly.

"Good job Lisa. Looks good. You girls go grab some arrows now. I'll get your bows." He walked off to a section of the wall.

Chaeyoung looked to Lisa because she didn't know where to go for the arrows, but Lisa's attention was on her arm.

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