83 ~ you're an idiot

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(Chae pov)

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(Chae pov)

As Chaeyoung approached the door to Lisa's studio, she put a ear to it, listening.

Faint music could be heard playing, but no other sounds were escaping the room. Chaeyoung thought about just opening the door and walking in, but what if Lisa stopped whatever she was doing?

And Chaeyoung would like to know.

So, instead, Chae took up the handle, it creaking a little as she slowly twisted it open, peeking inside.

Maybe Lisa didn't hear it?

The bright lights from the ceiling reflecting against the sweat glistened floors. The music echoing lightly as Chaeyoung scanned the room further.

The large mirror at the front, taking up the whole wall, with more smaller mirrors on the other sides.

Chaeyoung's eyes then landed on the blonde girl on the floor. Laying motionless on her back, arms sprawled at her sides, palms up.

Suddenly, Chaeyoung's mind grew blank. She didn't know what to say or do. Maybe Lisa was just taking a quick break?

Chae just caught her as soon as the Thai laid down. That's it... but why hasn't she moved yet? "Lisa?" She called... no movement.

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung yelled, rushing in. Running straight to her and putting her hands on Lisa's arms. Shaking her lightly. "Lisa? Lisa wake up!"


"Lisa! Please!" Chaeyoung spoke again, her tears threatening to fall. Oh god, what if this was Chaeyoung's fault?

Nine fucking hours Roseanne? You killed her.

"I'm sorry." Chae spoke as she started crying. Clenching onto Lisa's shirt and looking down.

"Woah Rosie? Don't cry." Lisa whispered. Chaeyoung flinching in surprise at the sound and movement of Lis.

"W-What? I thought y-you..."

"I'm sorry." Lisa said, chuckling a bit with a sad smile. "I was resting my eyes when I heard you at the door. I decided to prank y- OW!"

Lisa was rubbing her newly punched arm but chuckled again and sighed. "Guess I deserved that huh?"

"Yes you d-did."

"I'm sorry. I can see now how that wasn't the smartest way to prank you."

"All I wanted to do was s-see how you were doing..." Chaeyoung pouted, wiping the rest of her tears away. Still sniffling.

"Lisa leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung. Pulling her down on top of her. Chae stuffing her head into Lisa's neck.

"Please don't be mad."

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