17 ~ the enemy shouted

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(Chae pov / Strong language)

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(Chae pov / Strong language)

"Sorry to bother you all, especially during your dinner, but I was wondering if you've happened to see a camp worker nearby? She's about this tall and-"

Chaeyoung held her eyes shut as she snuggled into Lisa, head down. She prayed he wouldn't recognize her. Hopefully not even see her.

But the fact that he stopped mid sentence let her know, she's been caught.

"Chaeyoung... Is that you?"

"Is there something wrong sir?" Ami asked her boss, in a curious tone.

"I'm so sorry miss, my workers should not be bothering you. Or ignoring their duties." He said it nicely to Ami, but there was a enormous hint of frustration in his voice.

"Chaeyoung. Your pager has been going off. You wouldn't know though because you're here instead of doing your... job." He let that word hang overly pronounced.

"Sorry." Chaeyoung said quickly jumping up from inside the safety of the blanket and Lisa's side. She was terrified.

"Sorry won't cut it Chaeyoung. What did I say about talking to people hm?" He was beginning to get angry but noticed he was still standing next to Ami and Lisa.

He started to change his demeanor and tone.

"I took you in, gave you a job. Yet here you are bothering this poor family. Always asking for hand outs huh? Ungrateful of how many things I've given you? I've had enough. I should have never allowed someone with your... habits... into my establishment. Go. Get your things and get out!"

Chaeyoung nodded and quickly took off. Running fast to her trailer.

She heard Lisa shout behind her. "Chaeyoung! Wait! She wasn't bothering us, she's our friend! You made her sound like she's a bother when she's not she is... and..."

Chaeyoung couldn't hear her anymore as she ran further down the road. She ran around the corner and through the trees to her trailer.

She nearly tripped on a rock as she approached her door. It was big and her entire foot got caught on it.

Once inside, she shut the door. Locking it with the flimsy latch. If Ami and Lisa wouldn't have been there, her boss would have been a million times worse.

He still will be if she didn't pack fast and get away before he could find her.

Chaeyoung quickly took her school bag and the one other bag she had, filling them with her blankets and small items she's kept with her over the years.

She placed her most precious things on top, so they wouldn't get squished. A couple photos, a note, and shell.

Chae noticed how some of her pills still laid on the ground, she felt her chest ache as she started to panic.

Scooping some up and chucking them into the trash. Others she put in her bag. She still needed them to survive.

There was a sudden bang on the door.

"Chaeyoung! Open up!"

Chaeyoung could feel tears starting to form in her eyes out of fear. That door was her only entrance and exit.

Her eyes darted to the tiny window across from her that sat above the small sink.

It was too small for a regular sized person. But maybe Chaeyoung could squeeze through.

She began hitting it, trying to break its glass.

"Chaeyoung! I told you to never talk to them again! Yet you're EATING DINNER WITH THEM! Open the fuck up! Ungrateful ass! After I gave you yet another chance!"

"Th-They're my friends." Chaeyoung answered between tears.

"Funny! That's what they said too. But you don't have any friends! No one wants to be friends with a crack head!" He yelled.

"Let me in you dirty little shit!"

Chaeyoung began punching the window furiously. Her hand started bleeding when the glass was cracking and splintering into her.

She wasn't the only one breaking something though, as she heard his heavy foot crashing into her door.

"I'll break this fucker down!"


(Lisa pov)

Lisa's heart was racing.

Chaeyoung's boss tried hard to convince them that she was nothing but trouble.

All his 'she does this', 'she's done that', and 'she will only make you care and leave' but Lisa knew he was lying.

Her boss obviously wasn't listening and didn't care when Lisa told him that they were friends. And that she invited her to join them for dinner.

That man truly just wanted to mess with Chaeyoung and make her life a living hell.

He had left them alone after his 'convincing'. Lisa had immediately started begging her mom to do something.

"Mom please! We've waited too long already! We have to go! He's probably there by now!"

"What are you talking about Lisa? He said he was too upset with Chaeyoung to even look at her. Why would he go see her then?"

"He was lying! Just saying that so we would think she'd be fine. He's going to hurt her again!"

"What do you mean again?" Ami asked, slight worry in her voice now too.

"I think he's the one who hit Chae. Who gave her all the bruises."

"You think? Do you have any proof?"

"No... but I saw how he grabbed her and talked to her yesterday. I know he's mean. There's something dark to him. Please mom! We have to go now!"

"Do you even know where Chaeyoung is Lisa?" Ami asked, getting up from her seat.

"Yes! I know where her trailer is from yesterday. It's far but not too far. It's at the end of the road, kind of hidden! But I remember!"

"Should we call for help?"

"We don't have time mom! What if he's hitting her again? Or worse!" Lisa started to cry.

She grabbed her mom's hand and tugged. "Let's go, please!" Lisa cried.

"Okay! Okay. You're right. Take me to her."

Don't worry Chaeyoung. We're coming. I'm coming.

Lisa ran with her mother. Making their way towards Chaeyoung.

Slowly, Lisa's hand left her mom's as she ran faster. Hearing her mom call after her as she created more distance.

She just kept running and running. And praying.

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