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one year ago today my life changed forever

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one year ago today my life changed forever. I was defiled, and My parents died. They were old, they struggled with infertility their whole marriage. So when they had me at 47 and 51, I was their miracle.

"Some miracle I am" I mumbled to myself as I laced up my adidas sneakers. If I hadn't snuck out to meet Kaylen then I would have been there when the candle I left at my window caught fire to my curtains. I would have been there when my dad came running upstairs to save me. He and my mom burned to death searching the house for their 'miracle'

My birthday was three days later. My sweet sixteen celebrated alone. Just as I hoped this year would be, my seventeenth birthday landed on a Friday. I knew my bestfriend Andi wouldn't let me have the day to mourn.

Andi and I became friends through therapy. Well, through my therapy at least. My foster family at the time thought it be best that I saw a group of kids who'd also lost family.

Andi was there volunteering. Her Grandmother died a few years before and she was talking to kids about how it'd get better. I hated her when we first met. With her perfect blonde hair and her perfect Academic record and her perfect little boyfriend.

I hated her perfect life. I hated her perfect family.

But after a while she really started getting to me. She was always awake at 3am when I needed her to be. Her mum welcomed me into their home with open arms after I'd ran from my foster home, twice.

Willa, Andi's mom cleared out the basement and designed it as a giant room for both Andi and I to share. I finally felt at home, since after my parents died.

It took me a year and half to tell Andi about Kaylen, and what he'd done to me.


"I wish" I laughed through my cellphone at my handsome boyfriend. We had been together two whole weeks! I knew I loved him. You might be thinking it's a little fast for the L-Word but I'd known Kaylen my entire life.

We had the typical cliché love story. Boy moves To town at the age of 7, hates me for years until a game of truths, where He was dared to lock lips with the girl he hated most. A month goes by of the two pretending no feelings had formed even though they knew they had. They become the 'IT' couple at school. And they live happily ever after.

But I didn't get the happy ending. "Cmon Avery" Kaylen complained through the phone. "Just, climb out your window!" His brilliant idea shot a smile to my face. "Okay. See you soon" I told the boy I thought I loved


It was nearly impossible to keep Andi from telling her police officer dad about what Kaylen had done to me. At the time I didn't think he'd done anything wrong. After all I was his girl-friend.

I owed him this, right?

At least that's what I told myself for a while. Until one day Andi's older sister, Autumn had come home from uni crying. Saying her boyfriend pressured her into something she didn't want. Her dad filed a report on him and he got six weeks in county jail and a sex-offender tag labeled on him for life.

Autumn had to stay home from uni for a bit. You see her boyfriend was captain of the football team at her school, everyone loved him. So when autumn 'ruined his life' she got a lot of threats.

I agreed with the threats for a while, Kaylen had convinced me that autumn should have a boyfriend if she didn't want to be owned.

I didn't want to be owned though? I only had a boyfriend because I loved him. Not because I wanted him to control me like some sort of sock puppet. But Kaylen was almost a year older then me so I figured he knew what he was talking about.

One night autumn and I got into a argument about her stealing my shirt. I said some pretty nasty things, about her and her boyfriend. Autumn and I weren't the same for a while.

Not until it was revealed that around the same time autumn had been abused by her boyfriend, the same thing had happened to me with mine.

"Stop Kaylen"  I begged but he just continued. "Don't be a tease Avery!" He demanded "I'm your boyfriend!" He assured me "your supposed to let me do this." He wiped a tear from my eye as he smiled softly "I need a yes, aves"

I melted at the nickname as I usually did. I would have done anything for this boy, and so I nodded in agreement.

After all, I was supposed to allow him to have his way. I was his. And that was that.

By the time Andi's dad found out it was too late. He told me the lawyers didn't see enough evidence to pin Kaylen to this crime. If i proceeded with the charged then I'd be likely to lose. I'd have to suffer the same fate autumn did after she accused her rapist. I didn't want that.

So instead I took a warm shower. I cried away all the loving thoughts I had of Kaylen. Before dumping him and erasing every memory and thought I'd ever had of him.

But one thing still reminded me of him every time I saw it. My hair. My wild auburn hair was beyond curly and it was kaylens favorite part of me. I soon hated it.

Autumn was the first to help me over come my problem. A box of black hair dye was placed on my bed with a note stating who it was from.

Later that night she helped me wipe away my red locks, while at the Same time wiping away the last memory of Kaylen.

I still see him at school. He gives me longing looks as I didn't bother giving him a reason to why we were over. He knows I hate him though, Andi made sure he was aware of it.

I never paid any attention to Kaylen, until today in the hall. He, the shining star of Lexington high was being held up against a locker by none other then

The mysterious Axel Reed.

And I was going to find out why.

Question of the chapter : Why do you think Axel was Angry With Kaylen?

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