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"Did I?" He sounded so sincere

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"Did I?" He sounded so sincere. So concerned as if he wasn't the one who had harmed me.

"Avery You stayed with me Months after your parents died" he stated. He said this like since I didn't dump him the second it happened, that made it okay somehow.

I once more looked into his eyes, They were sad, broken. I wondered how long his eyes had looked like that, I'd avoided talking to him for so long that I didn't see his pain, I was too worried about my own.

"I thought you wanted-" I cut him off

"You thought I wanted it? After I told you no? After I begged you to stop?!" I rose from the bed "You told me I owed it to you kaylen! I didn't think I had a choice!" I shouted, I was really getting angry now.

He gulped. "I, listen I'm-"

"Your what? Kaylen? Your sorry?" I scoffed "sorry doesn't make the pain go away. Sorry doesn't make me not want to cry every time a boy comes near me" my voice cracked a bit and I felt completely broken

"Sorry doesn't bring back my parents. Kay" I lowered my head. And that's when it hit me.

I didn't hate Kaylen for raping me. Sure I didn't like him, but I was over it. Thinking back I'm sure it was the night I was with Enzo that fully healed.

Enzo had healed me, showed me that I wasn't a sad broken little girl anymore and that I could he strong.

But it wasn't until I was here, talking to the boy I thought I hated when I realized, I didn't hate Kaylen. I blamed Kaylen. I believed he was the reason my parents were dead.

If he wouldn't of called me, I would have been home when the candle fell, I could have stopped it.

If he wouldn't have occupied my time I could of gotten home and saved them.

"I don't want to blame you anymore" I whispered

"I didn't know you ever did." He said just as softly "I knew you hated me when we broke up, but I didn't know you felt like I-" he stopped as if to gather his thoughts

"I didn't know you considered it rape. I know you said to stop but we'd talked about it so many times I thought you'd just gotten cold feet" he explained and I rolled my eyes. I didn't 'consider' it anything, it was rape. Kaylen Hanes raped me.

"I was fifteen and I hurt you and I shouldn't of. I didn't know what consent was then, which is probably a sign that I shouldn't have been fooling around." He took a deep breath "I'm sorry Avery. Truly sorry" tears were in both of our eyes as I stood up, running down the stairs and out the front door. 

What will Avery do next?
Will she forgive Kaylen?
Possibly give him another chance?

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