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I walked for what felt like hours, but was realistically only about five minutes

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I walked for what felt like hours, but was realistically only about five minutes. Until suddenly the sound of an engine revving and a voice calling out stopped me "Avery, Princess!" The voice yelled as I spun around

"Need a ride?" Enzo asked as he held out a purple helmet. I smiled at the gesture and for some odd reason felt that I could trust this delinquent-like boy.

"Purple?" I teased as I took the helmet from his grasp. "The color of royalty, Princess" I smiled at his words as I wondered if He'd went out of his way, and purposely bought this helmet for me. "Besides, it suits you" he told me.

I'd never been on a bike before but I tried to play it cool. As soon as he kicked off though I was grabbing onto him like my life depended on it, because, well, it did. Sort of.

"You okay back there princess?!" Enzo chuckled as he continued driving. We drove around for a while before Enzo stopped a diner.

"I've gotta grab dinner for the guys and then you can tell me where you live?" He said once he parked the bike. "Oh and I'm just supposed to trust you with where I live? Aren't you like a drug dealer or something?" I joked

"Drug dealer? Nah that's Kadens job" Enzo laughed but I felt some serious behind his joke. I watched him go inside and place a to-go order.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting he'd handed me two large Bags of food before asking for my address. I wondered how he was going to manage holding the bags after he'd drop me off, but I was scared to go back to a house full of boys like axel.

"Thanks for the ride" I said as I stepped off "but it was kind of creepy that you were waiting for me to leave the party. He smiled.

"Waiting for someone to leave the party" he corrected "don't go getting a big head now, princess"

"Oh, girlfriend?" I tried not sounding disappointed as I asked. "More like babysitting gig" he smiled "Axel's very protective over his sister" he told me

"I wasn't aware axel had a sister, or any family, actually" I said glancing at my shoes. Just now realizing that axel might be alone in this world. Like how I am.

"He has us" Enzo told me "us and Beth, of course" that caught my attention. "Beth?" I repeated "I've never heard of a Bethany Reed" I told Enzo, to which he replied

"She's closer than you think, Avery" he smirked before sliding the extra-helmet over the handlebars of his bike and driving off

"Closer then I think?" I repeated to myself as I walked inside, tip toeing to make sure not to wake Andi & Autumns parents up

"What does that even mean?

When I got inside autumn was waiting for me in my room "hey" she smiled as I kicked my shoes off "can we talk?" She asked


Sorry for short chapter! Question of the chapter: what did Enzo mean by 'closer then you think'

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