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A/N Two updates in one day bc I need y'all to go to my page and reply to the comment I posted. Thanks!

Enzo had quickly taken my mind off the death of my step sister

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Enzo had quickly taken my mind off the death of my step sister. As we got to the lake he handed me a black band "it's loose on me, will you hang onto it so it doesn't go missing in this water?" I took the ring from him and surprisingly it fit perfect on my pointer finger. We splashed around in the water until he said :

"Let's play a game" I nervously glanced at him but nodded anyways. "You only have three passes. I ask a question then you go, fair?"

"Fair" I agreed. He started out easy, what's your favorite color, birthday, favorite animal. But then as the questions got more personal I didn't mind opening up to him. Until he asked

"Have you ever shagged anyone?" He smirked widely as all the color drained from my face. He obviously didn't know, or he wouldn't have brought it up, right?

"Pass" I said quickly but he started shaking his finger "you've used all your passes, Princess" he smiled. He had been waiting to ask me this after I'd used my three 'skips'

Looking back I had skipped such stupid questions.

"Are you adopted?" Was what I used my first pass on. Obviously I looked nothing like any of the Davenports, they were a perfect Blonde hair Blue eyes Tanned skin family.

The next one I passed on was when he said "Ever had a boyfriend?" I knew if I brought up Kaylen he'd ask a lot more about him.

Skip number three was actually one I was comfortable answering, but didn't think his ego needed boosted anymore

"Am I the handsomest guy in school?" He said proudly, I was going to say yes but I didn't want to lie in this game. Axel Reed is the handsomest guy in school and I didn't want to upset him by saying I liked how his friend looked

I watched as he came closer to me, closer and closer. When he touched my waist I panicked. I started freaking out yelling for him to go away and begging for him not to rape me

That's when his face went hard as stone

"I'd like to re-direct my question please" he said softly after I'd stopped screaming "Avery have you ever been raped?" He asked with the most caring tone I'd ever heard.

So I told him my story. I changed 'kaylen' to Ex-Boyfriend as I was hoping Enzo didn't know of my previous relationships. He was the only person other than autumn that I really opened up to.

Sure I told Andi, but I didn't give her Vivid details like how I did with autumn or how I was with Enzo.

I didn't realized I'd started crying until I felt his large hands wipe away a tear. "You'll be okay" was all he had to say, because in that moment I knew. Enzo Salvatore was all I needed.


After Monday morning Andi quickly got into her routine. School, Then Cheer, Then home... then sneaking out.

It seemed like she'd gotten back to her old self. Sure she still missed her sister but life goes on.

"And Emma was like Backflip, Pose, Handstand. When everyone knows it's Handstand, Backflip, Pose!" She shrugged, angrily telling Katie and I how Emma Rodriguez has been trying to steal her captain spot, with her absence and all.

"Can we talk about something other then cheer? Poor Avery's got to be bored to death!" Katie explained.

Katie was also on the cheer team but wasn't as pushy as the other girls. She could talk about things other than Pom poms and uniforms, but could still do one hell of a back-hand-spring.

"Oh sorry" Andi laughed "what should we talk about?" This was The first laugh I'd heard from her since the accident.

"How about that boy your always sneaking off to see" I asked. I was suspicious about Andi seeing another guy After Tom had confronted us about a boys t-shirt in the hamper. Andi had quickly excused it as a shirt that Ryder had let her borrow.

Ryder was some what of a petite guy and this shirt was definitely not his size. Ryder also didn't listen to whatever the band 'the cure' is.

Andi's face went red as Katie spit out her drink. "No way! Guys no!" Katie complained "but Ryder's so not over you!"

"It was a one time thing" Andi tried brushing it off, sending a glare my way. I knew we'd be talking about this later


(On a previous chapter I said 10 for someone's point of view and you guys decided Axel's,,, so... AN AXEL POV CHAPTER IS ON THE WAY!!!!)

But if you want a kaylen pov chapter please get this chapter to twenty (20) votes.
Also Two updates in one day bc I need y'all to go to my page and reply to the comment I posted. Thanks!

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