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"Look at me, Princess" the voice said once more, it wouldn't take a genius to guess who was standing behind me

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"Look at me, Princess" the voice said once more, it wouldn't take a genius to guess who was standing behind me.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled harshly pulling my arm around, dragging me against the wall I was hiding behind.

"I heard what you did you slut" He hiccuped "sleeping with Reed after I risked my ass to defend your honor!" He angrily stated.

His eyes were droopy yet his shoulders tense.

He was drunk

"E-Enzo, please-"

"No, no!" He shouted once more, how did nobody see him yelling at me like this? Why was nobody stopping him? "I would have died for you! I'd of done anything you asked" he pinched my wrist tighter as I held in a cry.

"But you wanted him" he spit "your just another one of his whores" he laughed "I'd of given you my world and he won't give you the time of Day now that he's gotten what he wanted!" He sneered

"You're drunk Enzo" I tried reasoning but he wouldn't have it "He only wanted you because he couldn't have you. He takes everything from me!" He pulled me farther away from the movie theater as I thrashed and yelled to get away from him, yet I failed.

My strength was no match for his, the way his nails dug into my arm cause excruciating pain, I didn't know it at the time but I was in for so much more then just a little finger-nail cut on my wrist.

"Not anymore" he told me "he's not taking you from me."

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