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"You ran away from me earlier" I told him as I latched my seatbelt around my body

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"You ran away from me earlier" I told him as I latched my seatbelt around my body. "So why are you back?" I asked, rudeness could be heard in my tone.

"I told you I had something I needed to do" he stated as we pulled off a road I was unfamiliar with "but now your back?" I glanced out the window trying to figure out where he was taking me

"I have something else I need to do now" he told me. As we pulled into the woods this is normally where I'd tuck and roll out of the car. But as this gang leaders taking me farther and farther out of town, I feel calm. Safe. Protected.

He drove with one hand on the wheel, one hand on the gear shift. Not once going over the speed limit or taking his eyes off the road.

A deer came running out onto the now dirt-path we were driving on and Axels first instinct was to fling his arm across me, even though I had my belt on.

"Sorry" he mumbled as we watched the deer slowly walk away. He took his foot off the break and pulled his hands back, away from me. I wish he wouldn't of.

We drove for a little bit longer before he pulled into the driveway of a cabin. "He escaped" he told me as he parked the car. "I'm sorry. We had him and he got out" he told me, my head started to spin.

"W-will he come after me?" I nervously asked before I realized why Axel had taken me here. He brought me here to keep me safe. "Will Lizzie he meeting us here?" I asked. Surely he wasn't going to leave me in the woods alone... would he?

And I know how protective he is over his sister, if she's not going to meet us here then he's not going to stay with me.

"Bethany's with Luke. She'll be fine. Enzo-" axel paused as he thought of his once best friend.

"Lorenzo doesn't know of this place. Well stay here for a week until Jaxon captures him again" he hoped out of the car, grabbing two black bags from the trunk and one thing raced through my mind.

Autumn would have never gotten herself into such a situation. Oh how I wish she were here.

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