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"What's going on?" Andi had walked up beside me. Her mum dropped us at school and Andi immediately went to change into her uniform. Short and tight, just as all cheerleaders liked it.

"What's happening to Kaylen?" Andi's boyfriend, Ryder asked from beside her. Ryder was on the team with Kaylen, and I had forbidden Andi from telling Ryder why we didn't like Kaylen.

Andi and ryder had been together since like elementary school or something. Some over-cliche story about how autumn had accidentally told ryder about Andi's crush, and Ry returned the feelings. Pretty much everyone calls them 'Randi'

Ugliest ship-name ever, but I'd never tell them that.

Ryder was still friends with Kaylen as much as it bothered Andi and I. But I think if your going to hate someone you should do it solely.

Just because you hate someone doesn't mean you should make Everyone hate them. Just because they treated you one way doesn't mean they'll treat everyone that way.

Ryder stood a few feet back, watching how axel leaned in whispering something to Kaylen. The look of pure fear on kaylens face was somewhat peaceful for me to see.

But as soon as axel tossed Kaylen aside, three of his guys starting kicking Kay while screaming profanities at him. That's when Ryder, Christian, and Lucas all stepped in. They weren't trying to fight they just wanted the boys in black away from their captain.

But that's not how Dean Winters saw it. All six boys got detention. Ry, Chris, And Lucas had to miss practice because of it and the other three boys Kaden, Jaxon, And Zander also complained about having 'shit to do after school' but dean winters wasn't budging.

Axel reed had already walked down the hall before the dean came out and Mr.Winters saw Kaylen as the victim so he got off Scott-free again.

Whispers and rumors spread like wildfire through the school. Why did Axel, mysterious bad boy have problems with Kaylen, straight-A student, who never did anything wrong?

"I heard Kaylen Outted Axel to the police about being in a gang!" One girl whispered in science class.
"Psssh! No way!" Her friend said back to her "axels not in a gang! He's a drug dealer! Maybe Kaylen owes him money" but the first girl shook her head.
"Kaylen wouldn't take drugs! Hes to pure for that!" She whispered again, this time her friend agreed with her.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Kaylen being pure. Everyone knows Kaylen would shag anything that moved.

I glanced up to see a boy watching me. I couldn't remember his name but I knew he was friends with the boys that attacked Kaylen in the hall this morning. He had a gray streak through his dark hair. I'm no good at guessing ethnicity but this boy was definitely Latino, or a mix of some sort.

His smirk never faded even after I'd given him a questioning glance. He shook his head a bit before mouthing "Hi"

I had to keep myself from smiling. His actions were like a little boy, cute "hi" I mouthed back before our teacher walked in to start our lesson

I could feel Eyes on me through the lesson. Knowing it was grey-haired boy. I deemed that to be an appropriate name, even though his hair wasn't grey, just a few strands were.

I ignored my gut feeling and kept my eyes locked onto my paper the whole test.

The bell rung and I quickly gathered my papers. I sent a small glance to grey-hair's seat to find him gone. As if he wasn't there.

"Looking for someone? Princess?" A deep accented voice said from beside me. It was grey-hair.

"Is there someone I should be looking for?" I smiled at his loud chuckle. "I don't think we've met" he smiled before asking me my name

"Avery" I told him as we walked towards the door and into the hall. "And you might be?" I asked softly

"Guess, my name. Guess it" he teased. "Here I'll give you three hints" he said as he pulled me towards his locker

"I was born and raised in Italy. My name as well as my family are very common people there"

Italian. I thought to myself. Not Latino. I knew I was awful at guessing ethnicity

"Born in Italy but my grandmother is from Spain. My name is popular in both places" he told me

Italian and Spanish. A mix of both

"Mamma calls me Leo, a nickname pulled from my full name. But my friends call me Enzo, can you guess my name? Princess?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes as it finally clicked to me Who this boy was. "Lorenzo Salvatore" I laughed

"We surely haven't met before" he seemed confused "I would have remembered such a pretty face"

"Met you, no. Heard of you, yes" I told the handsome boy "you are the second most dangerous boy in school" I told the boy

"Second! What do you mean second! Who's scarier then me?" He smiled wickedly, his grin only grew when he heard the voice of his bestfriend from behind me

"I am" was all axel had to say for fear to shake through me. I don't know why I was suddenly so scared of this man but I was. And I didn't like it.

I spun around to see axel smirking at Enzo. I took a step back, cowering behind Enzo's broad shoulders. Confusion crossed Enzo's features before he looked to his friend, then back to me.

"One rule" Enzo's accented voice told me " He doesn't hurt women or children, Avery" Enzo took my hand as he pulled me closer to him, sensing the fear that was radiating off me

I looked into axels big brown eyes before, "one rule? I see you made an exception, In kaylens case?" I asked him.

His deep laughter made me shiver. The crinkle of his eyes was beautiful.

"He is a bit of a bitch, isn't he?" Axel tilted his head to the side like a puppy. Making me laugh.

Question of the chapter: Do you think your friends should hate someone you hate, even if they haven't personally hurt your friend?

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