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Sort of a long chapter, read my other story's! Comment! Vote! Follow me! -Xx

Sort of a long chapter, read my other story's! Comment! Vote! Follow me! -Xx

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Hot tears seeped out of my eyes as I laid in an empty bed. It wasn't until Lorenzo almost swerved off the road, did I realize just how much trouble I was in.

He pulled me into an apartment building as I screamed and begged for help. This isn't him, this is not the boy who took me to the lake, the boy who contorted me about the loss of my sister.

This was not the boy I'd fallen for.

"Who the hell are you!!!?" I heard shouting but I couldn't move. Staring at the popcorn ceiling, thinking of Andi. She hated popcorn ceiling, one time Tom painted the roof of her bedroom like that and she freaked out so bad he changed it the next day.

I heard the front door slam, and I continued to think about andi, and autumn and how easy my life was before I met kaylen Hanes.

My parents and I were supposed to go to the water park the week of their funeral. I was supposed to be sliding down water slides, not sliding down walls as my knees went weak thinking of the last thing I said to my dad.

"I hate you!" I shouted. Mom wouldn't let me bring a friend along to the pool, saying it was 'family time' but I didn't want to spend time with my parents, I was too cool to be seen with such old people.

Oh how I wish I could spend just ten more minutes with those 'old people' I'd tell my dad I loved him one last time, and maybe try and make amends with my mom, we never really got along.

Not sure how much time went by until I heard the front door opening again. All I knew was that I was covered in blood, and that Lorenzo Salvator treat me worse then Kaylen Hanes ever could have.

"Clear!" I heard once, no twice. Maybe three times? I dunno, just a lot of yelling.

"There's nobody in here either!" I recognized Jaxons voice and I cried out, loudly yet weakly.

The door of the room I was lying in bursted open as I heard a raspy voice repeatedly saying my name. But darkness took over and I fell into a deep slumber


"Avery" my eyes fluttered as I glanced up to see Lucas watching me. "I need to go get axel" he told me "he said to alert him when you wake" he stood to leave but I reached for his arm

"You lied to me" I said quietly "you lied to all of us? Why?" My eyebrows scrunched together In confusion. I couldn't understand how this had happened, he'd fooled us all.

"We all have pasts we don't want revealed, Avery. This was my only way out" he smiled sadly before giving my hand an encouraging squeeze.

Did Lucas know what Kaylen did to me? That I blamed myself for my parents death?

Three knocks pounded on the wooden door, the only way out of this room. "Come in" I glanced at the door then down at the sheets I was wrapped in.

I'd be changed. My torn jeans and bloody t-shirt had been removed and I was in a small pair of shorts and a tank top.

"My uhm" axel cleared his throat as he closed the door "I had Elizabeth change you" he informed "you were soaked in" he glanced down, not meeting my eyes  "blood a-and I thought you'd be more comfortable in one of her outfits" he said

"This is her apartment?" I asked even though I new the answer. He needed to bring me somewhere where we'd be alone. Where no one could stop him.

"She was the one that found me" I spoke, he nodded. But my voice didn't even sound like myself. I sounded like the sad little girl that lost her parents over a year ago.

I thought I was past this? I thought I was fixed?

I guess I'd always be that sad little girl. worthless, Broken, Used.

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