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It had happened

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It had happened. Andi had seen it. Unfortunately Lucas's car was parked beside Ryder's. So while I was busy climbing into Ryder's Jeep, the other boys were already seated in Lucas's Bentley.

I saw Axel reed wink at me.
Andi saw axel reed wink at me.
Kaylen saw axel reed wink at me.

Not only did Andi question it, but I also noticed Kay glaring at the notorious bad boy.

As Ryder pulled out of the school parking lot he glanced at me through the rear view mirror "uhm" he cleared his throat as if he was uncomfortable with whatever he needed to tell me

"There's a hangout, at kaylens tonight" he glanced to Andi "I have to go" he told us "it's tradition, new teammate and all"

Jermey Martin was a transfer student from the states. He'd just joined the football team and it was a tradition of theirs to invite Jeremy over, get him wasted and make him do all the drills that coach puts the boys through on a daily basis

"I-I can drop you off at home first if you don't want to-" Ryder tried reasoning with me but I just shook my head "no it's fine." I told him "I'll go" I said with a deep breath

Andi smiled softly at me, knowing that finally
I was moving on


I'd been here an hour. Everything had went smoothly so far but I was yet to see Kaylen. Sure we were at his house but so was half the school. Besides, Kaylen was busy with Jermey. Getting him prepared for tonight's events.

I wasn't much of a drinker anymore but I decided tonight I'd splurge. I walked into the kitchen to see Jazmine, a girl who I'd fought with last spring, over Kaylen making out with Trent, a boy who was on the schools swim-team.

I shook my head at the memory of pulling jazmine's extensions out. I was a different person then and that's why I'd come to the face that, maybe I deserved what Kaylen had done to me. Maybe it was Karma punishing me for all the bad things I had done.

I took a sip of my beer as I walked towards the game room. Lucas, as well as Ryder was in the middle of a game of pool. He and Ryder against Andi, and Lizzie who Andi had some how convinced to play. Lucas looked over the moon when Lizzie asked how she was supposed to be holding the stick.

I was happy to see him happy. Unlike a lot of boys at this school Lucas was one of the good ones.

"Alright Everybody listen up!" A deep recognizable voice shouted. Everyone looked towards the front door where Axel and his boys had just entered.

"I'm looking for my sister" axel called out "I know she's here" he sent a glare to Kaylen, who had made his first appearance of the night

"He has a sister?" One girl whispered "who's his sister?" Another boy asked

I glanced at Andi who smiled widely mouthing "I still have something to tell you" I noticed Lucas smirking as Lizzie pulled him towards one of the many bedrooms in the house, they were completely ignoring the scene that was happening just 5 feet from me

"Who invited you?" Christian called out to the dark seeming boys, who simply ignored him

"Beth Has TEN MINUTES To make it home or else I won't be happy" Axel called out "she knows what happens when I'm not happy" he shouted

Everyone started looking around the party, wondering who Beth was.

Bethany Stewart was the only 'Beth' in our entire school. She didn't attend any party's though, frankly everyone rarely saw her. She skipped class and was always in detention.

Axel left, soon the party went back to normal. Watching Jeremy try and keep his liquor down while spinning around a baseball bat was enough to make even me a bit dizzy.

I decided to call it a night, Andi was off god knows where with Ryder. So I shot her a quick text saying I went home, knowing Ryder would get her home safely.

"Avery, wait up!" Kaylen called from behind me, but I kept walking. Quickly I swerved in and out of couples making out and girls dancing. I made it outside and when I looked back Kaylen was staring sadly at me, knowing that I had been running for him

"I'm sorry" he mouthed. But I know he didn't mean it, he didn't even know what he was apologizing for.

Question of the chapter: Should Avery confront Kaylen about what she's accusing  him for? Or should she just avoid him.

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