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Autumn and I stayed up until Andi got home

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Autumn and I stayed up until Andi got home. It had been along time since I got to talk to Autumn privately. I told her of how Axel was fighting with Kaylen, and about how Enzo has driven me home. She thought it was extremely romantic that he'd boughten a helmet specifically for me.

"You'll have to dress up tomorrow!" She squealed as she went rummaging through my closet. A disappointed looked crossed her features as she realized I didn't own anything purple.

She bolted up the stairs, somehow not waking her parents. When she came back a beautiful purple gown was in her grasp.

It was bright, with a lace top. The length cut off at Autumns knees, which meant it would cut off a little above my knees but I didn't mind.

I wasn't crazy about the idea of a dress but she promised to curl my hair and Apply my eyeshadow. So I said I'd think about it.

The next day I decided to wear Autumns purple dress to school. I remembered how Enzo had told me purple was my color. I rarely wore dresses but it was the only lavender thing Autumn owned, I only own black.

After Autumn said it, I for some reason felt the need to impress Enzo. He's the first boy who's caught my eye since Kaylen. That's really saying something for me.

Andi smiled widely at me when she saw my choice of outfit. She didn't say anything in fear of scaring me off and having me go change.

Autumn gave me an approving smile as she tossed me the keys.

Today Her dad, Tom was allowing us to take the car, Andi has had her license for a while but was never trusted to take the car. He had some partner that was carpooling him today so he didn't need his Mini Cooper.

Willa would be dropping autumn off at her classes, they weren't until later though as Autumn decided to take mid-day classes instead of morning

We loaded into the coop, and Andi immediately started talking;

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I haven't got a minute alone with you to tell you what I heard!" Andi said as she reversed out of the driveway "you know I don't care about rumors and" I shrugged but that didn't stop her from telling me anyways

"So pretty much Delaney told Lexi who told Emma who told Katie's brother Rocco that-"

"I don't care Andi please stop" I was so done with high school drama. Andi smirked at me before continuing "you don't care why Kaylen was beat up yesterday? Are you sure?" She teased, knowing she now had my full attention

"Okay tell me" I shrugged "but skip the whole who told who's brother, alright?" I told her

"Apparently Kaylen shagged Axel's little sister" her words made me sick. People should know what Kaylen had done to me so girls know to avoid him.

"But!" Andi rolled her eyes "the sleaze doesn't know which girl it was so we have no way of finding out who Beth is.

"He can't remember who he's shagged in the past week?" This statement didn't shock me

"No, He's been at his cousins wedding In California all week" Andi told me, I guess I never noticed his absence "he thinks axel has just found out and that it's one of his previous conquests" she cringed at the words and that's when I realized she had spoken to Kaylen about this.

"You talked to him?!" I felt betrayed. Ryder didn't know why I hated Kaylen but Andi did.

"Of course not!" Andi defended herself as she parked in the school parking lot "autumn did" she worriedly glanced at me

Should I do an updating schedule? If so what times/days are best for you all?

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