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A/N Changing the point of view, when you see Avery's name again that means it's back to her point of view.

"What the hell man!?" Enzo drunkenly tried to hit me as I walked through the front door "Why would you do that?!" He shouted again

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"What the hell man!?" Enzo drunkenly tried to hit me as I walked through the front door "Why would you do that?!" He shouted again

"Watch who your talking to!" I screamed. I in no way would allow such disrespect from one of my boys. "I did it for your own good" I lied, I did it for selfish reasons.

"You need to stay away from her! She's Autumns sister for gods-sake!" I pushed him into the sofa. But he glared at me as he rose to his feet, stomping out the front door

I'd just dropped a shaken Avery off at Officer Davenports house. I was vaguely familiar with it after I'd had kaden watching it for me for a while.

Kaden is the gangs Brain.

Enzo is the Gangs Muscle.

Luke is the gangs spy.

Zander's pretty quite, but very deadly.

Jaxon is the gangs hacker.

I am the leader. I keep the boys in line, obviously we have other members but these boys are my trustworthy 5. Jessika's also apart of our group but she isn't trustworthy.

Jermey was our newest friend but I was yet to find a helpful quality in the boy. He was just another dumb jock

Enzo and Avery were forming a relationship and I decided I didn't want that, and what I decide goes.

I also wanted to see what all the talk was about with this girl, so I followed Her bestfriends car. This chick named Andi's got the hots for my boy Jaxon so it wasn't hard for him to implant a tracking device In her seat.

The girls led me to a park and about twenty-five minutes of watching them talk I texted Jaxon to occupy Andi, which he was more than happy to do.

I know Jaxon shouldn't be involved with autumn Davenports little sister but I decided to let it go for now.

That's when I got the opportunity to drive Avery home. Only I didn't take her home, I took her to where I knew Enzo would be. To where I knew Enzo would be fixing his 'breakup'

I lied to Avery. I lied to Enzo. I lied to Autumn.

I'm a liar, but for some reason I'm okay with that. Lying gets me what I want and if I'm happy then I don't care who I've made un-happy.

I lied to Enzo about how he shouldn't be with Avery. I told him he'd slip up even though I knew he wouldn't, Enzo never slips up and tell the girl something that'd land both our asses in jail, her dads a cop for God-sake

I lied to Avery. I told her Enzo doesn't do relationships even though I know he does, and would have for this girl. I lied to Avery about not knowing her name when I asked 'Avery, right?"

I lied to Autumn. But I don't want to get into that.

"Axel" Zander came running up the stairs worriedly "we've got a problem"

Authors note:

New books are in progress! I have Enzos book, Autumns Book, Andi&Jaxon, And Kaylens books first five chapters written and I'm wondering which one you want first? Leave a comment

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