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"I love you now and forever Sugarplum?" Jaxon laughed as he read the card "how cheesy" he scoffed, walking into the kitchen

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"I love you now and forever Sugarplum?" Jaxon laughed as he read the card "how cheesy" he scoffed, walking into the kitchen

"Sounds like Axel when he used to sing for Beth to go to sleep" Jaxon laughed as we followed him to the table.

"Yeah, how cheesy" Andi agreed softly, even though she hadn't taken her eyes off of the bright yellow petals. Her favorite color.


They ended up having me make breakfast while they waited impatiently at the table.
"Do you know who axels sister is?" Andi asked, remembering how jaxon had mentioned it earlier.

"No" he rolled his eyes "only Enzo knows who the bitch is, whenever she had to stay in the house Axel would lock her in her room, nobody knows what she looks like" he commented, I set the pancakes down and all that could be heard was forks and knifes hitting plates.

"I talked to kaylen" I mumbled as I bit into my pancake. My eyes never leaving my plate "and?" Andi urged me to continue, but I was talked over "Wait, back up" Jaxon chimed in "you talked to the guy that raped you? The guy that Enzo beat the shit out of, for you?" He scoffed

"Chicks are crazy" he mumbled as he tossed his plate in the sink and walked up stairs

"Seriously?!" I scoffed "why are you dating him?" I grabbed my cell and went outside.

Andi didn't even care that I'd talked to kaylen, autumn would have cared.

I noticed a text message from a number I didn't recognize

Unknown: Need to talk. Meet me at the park on memorial street.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I tried to figure out who in the world could be texting me right now, it was still pretty early. The next message I got cleared up all the confusion from my brain.

Unknown: It's about Lorenzo.

Why was Axel Reed messaging me?

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