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Andi quickly left the car after dropping that bomb on me

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Andi quickly left the car after dropping that bomb on me. Autumn had talked to Kaylen last night.

How did autumn even know Kaylen? She's in college so she definitely hasn't seen him around school. I guess I'd have to wait till the end of the day to get my answers.

When I walked up the steps I heard a few wolf-whistles. One belonging to Christian who called out "Damn Thorn! You clean up nice" he teased, knowing I hated to be addressed to with my last name.

I kept walking until I slammed into someone's chest. I glanced up to see familiar Green eyes staring back at me "sorry aves" Lucas shrugged as his cheeks went red

"I-I wasn't looking where I was going, my bad" he told me before stepping aside to let me past "it's no problem, really" I smiled at him as I went on with my journey to home-room

"Avery! Hey umm, actually. Could we talk?" He said three words that I never thought I'd hear Lucas Pennington ask.

I nodded and he pulled me towards the end of the hallway. Less people were there as class started soon.

"Iaskedlizzieoutandihaveaproblemidontknowhowtosolve" He said quickly. His eyes never left his shoes

I blinked.

"I asked Lizzie out" he repeated himself

"but I have a problem" he added before I could congratulate him. I nodded for him to continue

"I can't talk about this with any of the guys" he sighed "Christian and Kaylen will tease me over being worried about a date with a girl and Ryder and Trent have had girlfriends for a while now so they've probably forgotten what it's like to ask a girl out" he glanced at me quickly before returning his eyes to the floor

Trent and jasmine are a couple now! When did that happen?

"Wait" I stopped him "I thought you already asked Lizzie out?" I was confused. If he'd already asked her out that what was he freaking over?

"I did and she told me she'd meet me at the movie theater!" He explained as if it was the craziest thing in the world

"So? Maybe she's busy that day and is gonna meet you after?" I tried to reason with him but he wasn't having it "no, she said her dad is overprotective and she doesn't want him to scare me Off."

"What if that's just an excuse for me not to meet her family? What if she's embarrassed of me?" He said quietly

I didn't know boys thought about stuff like this. I didn't know boys obsessed over crushes, and that they had trouble talking to their friends about girls they liked. I didn't know boys and girls were so similar. Maybe it's because boys aren't allowed to show their feelings.

"Lucas" I sighed "any girl would be crazy to be embarrassed of you. Your like the perfect boyfriend" I smiled

"Good grades, Nice personality-" he cut me off "handsome, charming, Masculine" he joked as he held his arms up flexing his biceps

I laughed "don't go getting a big head now, Pennington" I smiled as I ruffled his blonde hair

"If she says she has a crazy dad then I'm sure she just has a crazy dad" I assured him "hey, maybe she's had a crazy crush on you forever now, and she's nervous of scaring you away" I told him

"You think she's going to be nervous?" He asked as if girls didn't get nervous

"Definitely" the bell rung


Lizzie sat with us at lunch today. I invited her when I saw her eating alone, I never noticed but thinking about it, Lizzie always eats alone.

"So" Christian smiled as he sat down "how are you today, Lizzz?" The way he pulled out her name made everyone uncomfortable.

"I'm good" she smiled sweetly glancing at Lucas "were going to the movies this friday!" She cheered

"Lizzie I don't think I ever got your last name?" Andi asked, ryder had opted out of this lunch.

"Oh" she said "it's-"

The fire alarm was suddenly going crazy. "Attention students. This is not a drill" the loud voice said "please calmly Exit the building"

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