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School had ended about an hour ago but I was still sitting on the benches outside

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School had ended about an hour ago but I was still sitting on the benches outside. Ryder was supposed to drop Andi and I off at home but his detention was making him run a bit late.

Andi had just finished cheer practice and I saw Kaylen making his way towards the showers. I hated myself for thinking he looked good in that uniform.

My friend met me after she'd changed into her regular clothes. "You wouldn't believe what I found out!" She practically yelled

"I can't tell you here though" she assured me "too many ears" she winked as she giggled.

Oh, This girl.

After a few minutes Ryder and the guys walked towards us, Christian was the first to speak

"Looking lovely today ladies" he smiled "especially you Avery" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Christian was the quarterback of the football team and kaylens bestfriend.

He just like Kaylen, was a flirt.

"Leave the poor girl alone mate" luke laughed when he saw the disgusted look on my face "she wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole" Lucas laughed and Christian went red "oh yeah!? She wouldn't go near you either"

"Lukeys only got eyes for girl, Chris" Ryder joined in with the teasing

"Lizzie, oh Lizzie" Christian laughed as Lucas pushed him, mumbling something along the lines of 'shut-up' and 'F-Off'

Lizzie, Lucas's dream girl, was to be considered the 'Good-Girl' of our school. Last year she quit the cheer team because the uniforms were too revealing. Teachers in every classed loved her and she'd often stay behind to help stack the books or clean the chalk-board.

Lucas had a mad crazy crush on this girl. He always had, I remember him talking about how she smiled at him freshmen year. Sure he still went to party's and dated other girls, but none of his relationships ever lasted more then a month and I think it was because Lizzie will always hold a special place in his heart.

It seemed like the whole school knew about His crush, well everyone except for The girl herself. Boys didn't tell Lizzie because they knew Lucas would end their social lives, girls didn't tell Lizzie because in case the feelings were shared, they'd loose yet another football player to a 'good girl' like Andi, and Lizzie.

The laughter and jokes died down when the locker-room doors opened revealing a freshly showered Kaylen, making his way over here.

Christian, as well as Andi's eyes immediately made their way towards me. The tension was thick in the air but as always Kaylen ignored it

"What are we talking about guys?" He smiled as his attention was brought to me. I avoided eye-contact and started playing with the Black polish that coated my finger-nails

"Avery" the way he said my name held pain like no other. I wanted to scream, cry, do anything. But instead I just kept my head down, hoping someone would come to my rescue.

"Long time no see" he called out once more. "Let's make that long time a bit longer" Andi snapped as she trudged towards me. Pulling me off the bleacher and calling out to Ryder "we'll be at the car."

There were two things I was thankful for today.

1. My best friend
2. The way Enzo held my eyes as I was walking to Ryder's car.

He was smirking, as always. Leaned up against a fence most likely waiting for Jaxon and his other friends to exit detention.

Just as I slid into the backseat of Ryder's car, Axel and an older guy named Zander came into view. Smoking as they sat upon a few motorcycles.

What happened next I would have brushed off as a figment of my imagination if Andi hadn't said

"Did axel reed just wink at you?"

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