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Read my other story's on my page!

Read my other story's on my page!

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"It was so sweet" Andi gushed. I was thankful she didn't make me talk about myself, but at the same time it concerned me.

Autumn would have made me talk about myself. Saying how running away from your problems is no way to solve them. For autumn and Andi being biological sisters, they were very different.

"Jaxons not the guy I pictured him as, I'm sorry for that" I apologized. She smiled softly, glancing down at the ring on her hand.

A small knock came before the door freaked open. Axel walked in with Lizzie, Lucas And Jaxon behind him.

Jaxon cleared his throat before glancing at Andi, she silently got up and followed Jaxon out of the room. Lizzie was the first to speak ;

"Luke and I are going to grab some food. do you need anything, Avery?" She smiled softly, I know i freaked her out earlier but she was kind enough to lend me clothes and help me.

She was kind. How could she be related to axel?

"We'll get you some Spaghetti, light on the sauce" Lucas smiled at me, I smiled back "extra sauce" I corrected but his smile told me he already knew how I wanted it, he was just playing.

They walked out shutting the door, leaving me and axel alone.

We were silent for a while. Lucas and Andi immediately started talking when they were sent in here, but axel was quiet.


"Enzos being taken care of"

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