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I walked through the school in my purple dress disappointed that it was almost time to go home

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I walked through the school in my purple dress disappointed that it was almost time to go home. I hadn't seen Enzo one time today!

This dress got me a lot of attention from boys, boys who knew how I dressed and acted before my parents died. I did always dress modest but I wasn't a whore. I'd never even kissed anyone until Kaylen came along.

Boys like Christian and Jeremy called out names as I walked by in the hall. You didn't see any girls calling out such suggestive and rude words as boys walked by. Why did boys have to be so hormonal?

After lunch Lucas had finally calmed down about his date with Lizzie and Andi had been avoiding my text messages all day long. I still hadn't a clue about how Autumn had gotten Kaylen to talk to her about Axel's sister.

Autumn was going back to Uni today and this wasn't a topic I wanted to talk about over the phone. Last night she seemed like she had something to tell me, only Andi came home so autumn went silent.

Andi is my bestfriend but autumn is more understandable. Autumn and I have more in common than Andi and I do but Andi's easier to hang out with, either way I'm glad to have both of them as my sisters, or foster sisters at least.

"Officer Davenport Requests to see both Avery Thorn and Andi Davenport in the office as soon as possible please" Mr.Winters voice echoed over the loud speaker.

Huh, weird?

School was almost over so whatever Tom had to tell us must be important. If not he'd just wait until we got home to spill the beans.

Andi reached the office before me, probably because I stopped by my locker before going to there, I was surprised when a lime green Post it note fell out as I was reaching for my backpack ;

Purple truly is your color, Princess.
Babysitting duty called once again,
Ruining my chance at seeing you today.
But i wanted you to know you looked beautiful. See you tomorrow
-(hopefully your) Prince / L.S

I immediately knew who the note was from. The small heart drawn at the end was enough to spread a smile across my face. Little did I know that smile would soon be wiped away.

I'd made it into the office just as Mr.Davenport was telling Andi why he was here. Time felt frozen as I heard the words fall from his mouth.

"There was an accident" his face was red as if he'd been crying, I'd never seen a man cry before. I soon learned why and tears of my own started to fall

"Autumns Dead"

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