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"What do you mean he's going to kill Kaylen?" Sure I hated the boy, or at least I thought I did

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"What do you mean he's going to kill Kaylen?" Sure I hated the boy, or at least I thought I did. But that doesn't mean I'd wish him death, his moms to sweet to be put through that pain.

"Kaylen raped you, right?" I inched back in my seat. This was an uncomfortable thing for anyone to have to talk about. He couldn't be a bit more, caring about the matter?

I chose not to reply until he asked again "he did, right?" He side-ways glanced at me as he put his arm over my seat so he could reverse.

"Avery" he warned. He needed to know that Enzo wasn't loosing his shit over nothing.

"Yes, he did" I whispered quietly as I looked out the window.

Time went by before he spoke up. "I'm sorry" he sounded sincere "the bastard did the same thing to my sister" he pulled into the driveway of Christians house

"Then tried telling me she wanted it" he spit as he slammed the car door, rushing into Christians home.

I looked down at my fingers I was nervously playing with them, stalling from going in. Until I realized I still had enzos black band on my right hand. I guess I never noticed cause it blended so perfectly with the other rings I always wear.

"Tried telling me she wanted it" I felt tears pool in my eyes as I thought of Beth, I don't know her. What if she's just a kid? What if she didn't know what talking to kaylen Hanes would do to you?

I should have spoke up. I should have told everyone what Kaylen did to me. But I didn't. And now, I'm sitting in a boy I don't know's car, in front of a boy I don't like's house. While the boy that broke my heart beats up the boy that broke my spirit.

I open the car door, I start to slowly walk towards the entrance of the house when Axel and some guy I don't know are dragging a slightly bloody Enzo out of Christian's house

"I'm not finished with him!" Enzo yells as he tries to escape the hold of his friends "Zander!" Axel called out to the unknown boy "now" was all he said before Enzo fainted, I watched in fear.

"I didn't bring you here for you to wait outside" Axel threatened me "you could have calmed him down!" He shouted before getting into his car and speeding off.

"Avery!" Christian appeared in the doorway with a black eye, a swollen lip, and a bloody fist "please help him" he begged

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