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A/n : I finished this book today! 5/22/19 so now I'm just going to post it all so people can binge read all the chapters! Check out other books on my page and follow me!

A/n : I finished this book today! 5/22/19 so now I'm just going to post it all so people can binge read all the chapters! Check out other books on my page and follow me!

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So here I was. Three rows behind Lucas and Lizzie's date, only they didn't know I was here and apparently they were better known as 'Luke' and "Beth'

Axel thinks Lucas may have fallen for Lizzie, where as I thought he liked her the whole time, I guess the beginning of his crush was just to see if any of us had noticed her before. We hadn't until he started speaking highly of her.

If Lucas has fallen for Lizzie, then axel believes Lucas will not tell on Lizzie for telling on herself.

Axel was right.

After the movie Lizzie whispered "I need to be honest with you" as Lucas opened her car door. He cringed, but hid his features as he promised to listen, getting into The driver side door.

They sat for a while, before Lizzie went stomping out slamming her car door, only for Lucas to chase after her

"what do you mean you knew?!" She cried as she started hitting his chest "how could you not tell me!!!?" She yelled, causing quite the scene.

Lucas tried calming her down, whispering soft words I couldn't hear, but what I did hear was the person behind me speak out


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