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After almost an hour of convincing Andi that it wasn't smart to go alone, she allowed axel and I to join her

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After almost an hour of convincing Andi that it wasn't smart to go alone, she allowed axel and I to join her.

Axel waited in the parking lot of the hotel that Jaxon had been staying at while I waited in the lobby. Andi went into Jaxons room alone.

Loud screaming and glass shattering was heard all through the building, until Andi came running through the lobby, crying. With Jaxon running out after her.

"Please wait! Andi, cmon" he shouted chasing her through the lobby, I followed them outside.

Axel had gotten out of the car watching Andi try and escape from Jaxon who was hot on her trail.

"She doesn't want to talk to you" I shouted at jaxon. Andi had locked herself in axels car, which was parked on the other end of the parking lot.

In a flash Jaxon had tackled Axel to the ground, punching and hitting him harshly, and it was almost as if axel wasn't fighting back.

After a solid minute axel pushed Jaxon off him, dusted off his jeans and flashed his new shiner in my direction. "Let's go Avery" he barked, pulling my hand towards the car.

"Oh and you think he's so innocent?!" Jaxon yelled as tears ran down his face "who do you think gave me the orders to mess up the traffic light?! Huh? You think I wanted some random girl dead?" But I didn't believe it

"Axel wouldn't do that!" I shouted back as axel tried to pull me away again.

"Oh but he would" Jaxon sadly laughed "remember Enzo? Your prince? He fell head over heels for you and Axel told him he was falling out of line! Axel had him treat you like shit so he could swoop in and be the hero!" I took a step back from axel, as I turned my body fully so my attention was on Jaxon

"Avery" axel called but I stepped closer to jaxon "what the hell are you talking about?" I asked as jaxons rough laugh pierced through the air

"Autumn threatened to out Elizabeth. Axel wanted her gone and so I did it. I blindly followed axels rules as always" he spit

"He didn't want any of us involved with the Davenports as your dads on the police force and could land all our asses in prison." He told me "when Enzo wouldn't leave you alone axel made it his mission to steal you from him"

Axel stayed silent through this whole time

"Enzo started drinking again, his family are known for being abusers of alcohol. That's when he attacked you but now he's back in his country" Jaxon glanced to the ground as tears spilled from his eyes

"I didn't know Andi then. I didn't think anything of this girl other than she was a threat, a threat that he had me kill" Jaxon pointed to axel. But axel couldn't meet my eyes.

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