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When I wake up I'm in the arms of the boy that's really starting to get to me

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When I wake up I'm in the arms of the boy that's really starting to get to me. He smiles. A real genuine smile. But what really makes my heart flutter is when he dips his head in and kisses me.

After a moment I try and pull away but he pulls me back in, for just a second longer before setting me on my feet. I realize we're back at Lizzie's apartment when I see Andi running towards me, crying.

I left over a week ago and she was crying then too, Ryder hadn't calmed her down?

"Andi let's talk inside" axel stated loudly when he noticed people were starting to stare. "I can't believe it! How could he?" She cried out loud

"How could who do what?" I asked as axel pulled us both inside the apartment, where Ryder sat on the sofa, tears stained down his cheeks.

"You haven't told her yet?" Andi accused axel, which confused me even more.

"I haven't had any service. I just got your text while Avery was sleeping." Axel lied. I knew he was lying because he was using his phone right before we left the cabin, he'd had service all day.

I wondered why he'd lie to her but I put it off for the moment as my hysterical bestfriend cried against my shoulder

"What the hell is going on?!" I snapped. Everyone in this room knew something, something big. Everyone Except for me.

"Au-autumns dead" Andi croaked out. I looked to Ryder in confusion. "And, you miss her?" I asked. "Andi I miss her everyday. But you need to stop crying she's been gone a while" I told her.

Loosing someone is hard, but you can't let it take over your whole entire life. They'd want you to move on, to be happy. Just like if you were the one that died you'd want them to continue with their life.

"No"she sniffled, pulling away from me "no!" Her wet eyes met mine, and her next sentence knocked the wind out of me.

Do you remember being a kid? When you'd be playing outside and suddenly trip. The fall would take your breath away. Your lungs and chest would hurt, your eyes might water and your head starts to pound. That's exactly how I felt after hearing what I heard

"Jaxon killed autumn. She's dead because of him"

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