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"Can we talk?" Axel asked as he walked into the living room

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"Can we talk?" Axel asked as he walked into the living room. Most of the party cleared but I stayed behind to help clean up.

I took a deep breath as I turned around to face Axel Reed. We'd come so far from that day when he winked at me in the parking lot.

"I know you don't believe me but what Jaxon said isn't true" he told me. I stayed silent. "I didn't realize it at the time, which is why I didn't say anything then, but Jaxon had just lost the love of his life and he'd do anything to get her back. Even lie" he stepped towards me

"I didn't know the pain and hurt it would be to watch the girl you love walk away from you, until you left me in the motel parking lot that day" he glanced at his shoes before meeting my eyes

"Jaxon was seeing autumn in secret because he knew I'd never allow it, when I found out I told him to end it, Tom is dangerous" he told me "Tom knows what we are he watched me from the minute I walked in through the minute I left"

"When Jaxon tried to end it autumn threatened to tell her father. He panicked and took the easy way out" axel said

"Murdering my sister was the easy way out!?" I shouted and axel shushed me, Ryder and Andi had went to bed.

"For him, yes. But I had no part in it. I had nothing to do with autumns death." He told me

After that we fell silent. I processed what he said while he hoped I'd believe him.

I did.

I believed what he was saying to me because when Jaxon was in our house the first time, he already knew which door led to which room.

I believed axel because It was easy to believe him. I wanted to be with him so bad it hurt to think of myself alone. I believed axel because I didn't want to believe jaxon.

I leaned forward, brushing my lips against his and I decided to believe that axel was a good person and that he had no part in harming autumn.

I believed him, but there was still a small feeling in my gut saying I shouldn't.

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