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"-Sister, Loving Daughter, Irreplaceable Friend" The preacher bowed his head as he talked greatly about Autumn

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"-Sister, Loving Daughter, Irreplaceable Friend" The preacher bowed his head as he talked greatly about Autumn.

Ryder was here somewhere but hanging back a bit. Andi had yelled at him earlier for being 'too involved' he was just trying to be caring but she felt as if he was suffocating her. He backed off a bit but she was still in his line of sight, just in case.

The whole town had came. People who didn't even know the Davenports Gathered round or sent their condolences. Even Axel and his boys attended her funeral.

I couldn't Believe that at 7am Autumn was laughing at how crappy my hair was, attempting to curl it saying she'd help me Re-dye the roots as she could see a bit of red.

Less then 8 short hours later her body was pronounced dead at the scene. I traffic light had malfunctioned causing both Willa's light and A semi-truck drivers light to be green at the same time.

Before either of the drivers realized what was happening it was too late. The semi wiped out Mrs.Davenports car. Harming her severely and killing her oldest child.

They said Autumn felt no pain. Which I knew we were all thankful for but we would have been more thankful if she would have still been with us.

I heard a rumor about how Autumns Ex-Boyfriend had tried to attend the funeral but was stopped by Autumns closest friends. They knew she wouldn't have wanted him there.

The next few days after weren't the same. The loving, funny, joyful family that once welcomed me into their home, had changed.

Tom took a paid leave on work, most nights locking himself in Autumns room, you could hear is soft sobs throughout the entire night.

Mrs.Davenport, Willa hadn't slept, she felt like the accident was her fault. She was driving and she didn't stop in time. She seemed to be the only one who wanted to get better and move on. She induced herself into weekly therapy sessions. She didn't want to feel this way.

Autumn wouldn't of wanted her to feel this way. It didn't seem that Andi had thought that maybe just maybe, Autumn wouldn't want her to spend her days sulking. Autumn probably would only want her sister to be happy.

But, Andi stopped returning Ryder's calls, wouldn't allow him to come in when he knocked on the door. She skipped school, and cheer practice, she'd recently started sneaking out. She'd be gone all hours of the night only to get up early the next morning and leave again. Sometimes she didn't even come home until the next day. It was very unlike her but I knew what it felt like to loose someone. So I decided to let her be for a while.

Until, one Monday morning about a week after Autumns funeral, I smelt pancakes.

When I walked up  the stairs Andi was Facing me with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked angry.

Ryder pretended like he didn't see the scowl on her face as he continued flipping pancakes.

"Avery!" He smiled "hungry?"

A/N: if this chapter gets TEN VOTES I will do a chapter in a different point of view. Please comment on who's POV you'd like to see

• Axel Reed

• Lorenzo Salvator

• Kaylen Hanes

• Andi Davenport

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