X X X X X X • • • •

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TW: chapter speaks of ; Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and other triggering subjects. Read at your own risk.

"I-I'm sorry"

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"I-I'm sorry"

Axels words rang through my head, Over and Over, Again and Again.

I could see where he thought he was in the wrong. I had just been violated and he didn't want to do anything without my consent, but when he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, I knew he'd regretted our kiss for his own reasons.

He quickly dismissed himself, mumbling something about some apology he owed jaxon.

Who knew Axel Reed was the guilty type.

I walked into the now-empty apartment and my breathing started to heavy and my throat felt tight as memory's flooded my mind.

I remembered how he muffled my screams with his hands. tears streamed down my face when it happened, just like they were now.

My feet were frozen in place as I stared at spot where a lamp once stood, until I knocked it over while attempting to escape.

I didn't realize I was shaking until somebody grabbed my shoulders yelling my name

"Avery, It's ok!"

"Calm down Aves. I'm here. I'm here" I was pulled into a warm embrace as I cried for god-knows how long. After a bit of time whoever was holding me sat on the floor with me in his lap. Whispering nice comforting things in my ears until I pulled away, coming face to face with a certain Football Player.

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