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"I'm sorry sir, can you repeat that?" The loud-speaker repeated again and I had trouble hiding my laugh, which earned me a glare from Axel himself

"Oh, Bullshit!" Axel called out before pulling towards the window, we'd been at Taco-Bell for about fifteen minutes and the cashier couldn't catch Axel's name through the machine outside.

"Hi, I have an order for... bullshit?" The young girl asked and finally I just let loose, tears formed in my eyes from laughing so hard as axel handed her his credit card.

"Wait" I choked out grabbing money from my bag "here" I wiped the tears from my eyes as I handed it to him, only for him to stuff it back into my bag seconds later.

He was actually very polite to the service people at the drive through even though you could clearly see his frustration with them not knowing his name and getting our order wrong, he still said thankyou and smiled nicely.

Who knew he could be nice.

We pulled towards the outside picnic tables as axel stated he hated being overcrowded as we eat.

"Can I ask you something?" He said as I bit into my Dorito Taco. "Mmhm" I nodded whilst chewing.

"Did you ever get justice? For, for what Kaylen did to you?" He inched closer as his soft voice filled my ears.

He was whispering, almost as if his words would somehow hurt me if he spoke too loud. "No" I whispered as I kept my eyes connected to his.

He glanced down at my lips for just a second before brushing a strand of hair behind my ears, the red had almost grown all the way out, I didn't know how to dye it on my own.

"It suits you" He twirled another strand around his fingers before cupping my cheek "matches your eyes" he whispered

"Your lips" he pulled his thumb over my bottom lip softly. I couldn't take it anymore.

Leaning up I used every ounce of Courage to slam my lips onto his. We stayed that way for what felt like hours but was merely Seconds, but then he pulled away.

"That wasn't what I really wanted to ask you" his smirk faded as he sat back, leaning on the palms of his hands.

"Has Enzo" he glanced down at his hands which were twirling together "has he told you anything? About his personal life?" He asked

"He told me a bit about his mom, how he's originally from-" but axel cut me off, these were not the answers he was searching For.

"No. Has he ever.. talked about his friends, or how we" he paused once more, trying to find the right words "get by?" He asked and it dawned on me.

Axel had brought me here to get Enzo in trouble, he wanted to know if I was told any 'secrets'

"I know you guys are dangerous, but everyone knows you guys are" I told him and he nodded

"Has he told you about my sister?" I shook my head, I knew nothing about 'beth' other than she's 'closer than I think' whatever that means.

"Would you like to know about my sister?" He was just full of questions today.

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