1- Kunigigowa Jr High

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No ones POV

"Thank you Mr Asano. It's amazing to be in this school." (Y/n) thanked the Chairman. "It's amazing having another genius here. I wouldn't like my son being lonely on top. And you came in time for mid-terms. It will be just fine if you don't do well on the test since you most likely won't know what is one the test." The chairman clapped his hands twice and a strawberry-blonde haired kid walked in.

"Gakushu, this is (Y/n) Akabane. She is Akabane's little sister, but I still expect for you to treat her like you'd treat a friend. She is in the same class as you, please show her each class until she knows the layout of the building. While your at it, show her End Class and tell her about the school rules. After the test that is." The boy glared at the chairman, "Of course father. Follow me Akabane."

Reader POV

I followed the boy before he stopped. I ran into him because he was walking quickly and I wasn't paying attention. "I-I'm sorry!" I got up but the moment I did, the strawberry-blonde boy pinned me to the wall. My face became flushed red after our noses brushed each other. "Look here, you call me Asano unless I give you permission to say otherwise. Also, your brother is the person I hate. Karma Akabane, I want him dead. Got it?" I nodded to him, "H-He spoke of you like he wanted to kill you t-too. He said 'Damn Asano! He should die! Maybe I'll make him suffer before his death!' He had his normal devilish smirk and pulled out some wasabi as I q-questioned h-him." He muttered under his breath and soon released me. "Well then, now that you know me, when your with your brother, who do I call my their real name?" I knew the answer to that immediately, "M-me, or else K-Karma will kill y-you." He smirked, "I'll risk it, but let's go. I'll walk slower and we'll head to the next classes after mid-terms."

When we got to the classroom, I bowed to the teacher, told him who I was and that I needed the test. He handed me a test and pointed to an empty seat next to Asano in the front. I nodded to him and took my seat, almost immediately starting the test, despite feeling the glares of other girls. I zoomed through the test and read a book once I was finished.

After the school day- Asano POV

"Hey Asano, why don't you show us your girlfriend." "Sakakibara, I will punch you. She is-" Suddenly, I felt someone poke my arm. "Senpai! Who was the girl you walked into class with?" I shook her off. "She's better than you, now leave me alone I don't want to be near you." She looked shocked, "But Senpai! We're perfect together!" Suddenly, I felt the arms that were wrapped around my arm again become loose. "He said he didn't want you around him. Say what you just said must make him feel disgusted." Akabane, she got the girl off me. How new.

"How dare you get between me and my love!" The girl slapped her and Akabane fell to the ground, crying. Just then, the teacher walked in class. "What's happening here?" He asked. "S-Sir, sh-she slapped me for no reason. I-I didn't deserve any of it! I th-think." He walked up to the girl, "Miss Mai, please explain why you slapped Miss Akabane." Mai was staring at the teacher, completely shocked. "Y-you don't get it sir! She pr-provoked me! I didn't slap her for no reason!" Every other kid in the class had no idea what was happening. "Mr Asano, do you know what's happening?" I lied for a new girl, I don't know why. "No, I was taking to my friends here. By the time we noticed the commotion behind us sir, Miss Akabane was already 9n the ground crying." He nodded, "Well then, it looks like I'll be sending you to the Chairman's office. He'll decide what happens to you."

At lunch- Reader POV

Asano presses me to the wall again. Once again, my face became red when he got close to my face again. "Asano, hope you aren't busy with kissing your girlfriend, but we need to ask her something." A boy with light brown hair said. Why does he look the most normal out of the people here?

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