39- Summer

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It was time to graduate and the kids seemed a little more relaxed around us but were still a bit afraid we'd make this school into a bloodbath.

"Akabane, (Y/n)." I got up at the stage and smiled to the Principal. "I can see that you plan to make your next school mad at this one. Don't go overboard. And who gave you that smile?" "My old teacher and basically my second father." He nodded and had me sit down as it continued.

After the event ended, I went to talk to mom and the rest of E-class. The news came in through the doors and mom turned around surprised and nodded to Kurasuma. He quickly went to block them but they continued to try and push through. "We need to interview those kids!" They each said and we sighed until a large banner was put over us. When we looked, A-class was holding the banner up and the five boys up front. Gakushuu, Ren and Seo didn't haven cameras while Natsuhiko and Teppei were holding cameras. The people backed up as we saw a helicopter outside. "Move aside now." Gakushuu demanded at the door and a few people moved until we heard Kurasuma yell for them to move. They flinched and moved as we continued going to the helicopter.

They got us on one by one but I waited for Karma to get on before hugging each of them and kissing Gakushuu's cheek. "Thanks, I'll keep in contact with you all." I said and they nodded as mom and Mr Kurasuma got on the helicopter after. "Asano, tell your father that we need to catch up some time." He nodded and watched as mom, Karma and I spoke more while Kurasuma began to fly the helicopter.

"Mrs Akabane, you are aware we're going to need to put Mr Asano is prison for letting students in a murder attempt." "Yet we succeeded Mr Kurasuma." Karma said and mom nodded. "Yes I do Mr Kurasuma. It is true." She said and I nodded, a bit worried as mom placed her hand on my head. "Don't worry, he'll be fine, it'll only be a few years and he always has his ways." Mom said and I nodded. "How are the rest of you?" "Fine President Akabane." Isogai said and they nodded. "Mrs Akabane is alright. Karma, why are you staying at Knugigowa?" "It is that much of a mystery mom?" Mom sighed and used him as an arm rest. "What did I say about fighting people you don't like?" "Don't do it..." He muttered in a mimicking voice.

"Take the sarcasm out of your voice now! The only time you can fight is if someone throws the first attack or hurts someone you care about." "Then explain why I was held back when the Reaper was transformed." I said and mom pat my head. "You shouldn't kill someone, fight sure, but no killing someone. The teacher was an exception." Mom said and I just grumbled. "At least he killed him." "And nearly Kaede..." Maehara muttered and mom looked confused. "Wasn't Kaede a character?" "It's me Mrs Akabane. I simply hide behind the name." "She's really Akari." I said and mom nodded. "Got it." We landed soon and everyone got out, "You've got a letter for you in the mail." Mom said and I nodded while checking the mailbox. It was a letter from (h/s/n) and I opened it at the table.

"Dear Miss (Y/n) Akabane,

We've seen your grades and decided that you are more than capable of joining our school. Know that students who recognize you will be afraid of you. We don't know if you are aware, but since most of our students are coming from Kunugigowa Jr High, we are building in Tokyo. While there are students from other schools, yours is the most popular. We hope to give you a good education and a good future at our school.

The headmaster at (h/s/n), Hiroto, Yuesen."

I read out loud and smiled. "Proud of you sweetie. You too Karma but don't fight Young Asano." "Too late Mom." I said and she sighed. "Of course it is. No more fighting." He just rolled his eyes and mom spoke. "Go rest in your rooms." We nodded and head to our rooms as I got a picture of the letter and sent it to the group chat.

Death: (Photo Attachment) I got accepted!
Ren: That's good.
Death: Is it impossible to use my actual name in text?
Natsuhiko: Yes.
Death: Gakushuu, if you're studying, I'm going to go next door and take all your study books away from you. It's summer, relax.
Gakushuu: I'm researching about your new school. Let's see, there's a 'Main Nine' of guys there. You know what to do when you get there.
Death: Beat all their asses and become number 1.
Seo: That works too.

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