34- Uncomfortable

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"Oh god you five are unlucky." I said and sat up, wiping a tear away.

They stared at me, confused and I explained to them what's happening. "Mine just passed, and have fun with mood swings and cravings." I said and Gakushuu's stomach growled. "Great... now I want something sweet." She said and I nodded. "After getting the blood controlled, alright, for now, change, nobody wants to see the blood." I said and shoved them out of my room. I sighed and headed into the shower.

After getting out of the shower and showing them how to apply a pad

We walked out and we were wearing normal clothes and I let them choose a sweet shop or cafe to go to. I found a way to hide the wings and make it look normal as we walked out. "We couldn't just buy chocolate?" Seo asked and I shook my head. "No matter where we go, we have a chance to see Karma, Rio or any E-class kid. And do us a favor Ren, control yourself and don't flirt with a guy or girl." "I don't swing that way." "I'm saying that because I see Kanzaki on the other side of the street. And I don't know if you'll start flirting with guys now." I said and she sighed as I noticed Kanzaki's confused look. "Don't question it Kanzaki." I said and saw her walking with Sugino, who was holding back a laugh.

"You too Sugino." I called and he nodded but pulled out his phone. "Take a picture and I'll kill you." I glared. Sugino sighed and put away his phone and I pulled out mine. "Did he take a photo Ritsu?" I texted and she shook her head and text popped onto the screen. "No, he didn't have enough time." The text said and I nodded and put away my phone. The girls were waiting for me and stared confused. "Sorry, Karma texted me a random picture of Nagisa in a dress." I said and showed them. They laughed a bit and I put my phone away. "Find a place you like?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Well choose or else we're leaving." "Your acting like a mom here..." Teppei said and I shrugged. "Normally girls go to the first sweet shop they see. Didn't know you were picky." "We aren't picky!" They each yelled and I sighed. "Just choose a damn place." I said and they nodded.

"There." Gakushuu said and they looked up then agreed. "Finally..." I said and we walked in, getting a table soon. It was a maid cafe but there was a strict rule that if a costumer touched, made an employee uncomfortable or flirt with an employee without permission, they are kicked out. So, it obviously has a good reputation for girls to go and the kind guys too. A waitress came up to us and smiled, "Please, follow me." She said and we were brought to a table. "Here are your menu's, take your time choosing what you'd like." She said and a bell rang. "On my way!" She said and we saw a male holding a tray out to her. It held a strawberry cake, chocolate pudding, a banana split and a couple pieces of fudge. I have a feeling I know who those are for... I thought and none of the girls saw it, thankfully.

In this cafe, you ring a bell once everyone is ready to order and I looked at the menu. This place is just a dessert place so all it held were sweets and some tea. When I found what I wanted, only Ren was still looking but soon put down the menu. "Took long enough..." Natsuhiko said under her breath and I rang the bell. The same waitress came over and asked what we'd like. "What can I get you six?" She asked and we ordered our food. She put the orders in an iPad and left.

"S-Sir, please stop..." A different waitress said and we looked up to see Xier and another couple of men there. I glared at him and stood up. "Xier, I don't know if you know the rules of this restaurant, but it's against the rules to make the waitresses uncomfortable." I said and glared into his eyes and he laughed. "I didn't see you around anywhere so I just went to the next person. Same as my buddies." He said and I glared at his friends and saw them smirking. "Now beauty, are you taken?" They asked and I scoffed. "I very much am young man. Besides, even if I wasn't, I'm not looking for a sick person." I said and they abruptly stood up. "What did you say?" A green haired man said and I glared while repeating what I said. "That's it!" The man yelled and I looked at the waitress, "Please move Ma'am. I wouldn't like you getting hurt." I said and she backed up and nodded to another waiter. "Outside." I smiled and walked out.

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