23- He's Sick

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After heading to Alisa's school, the teacher smiled to me and Alisa hugged me. "How are you?" The teacher asked and I bowed, "I'm fine. Sorry I wasn't here earlier." I said and she shook her head, "It's fine." She said and the principal came. "Akabane, why are you here?" He asked and I smiled, "I came to see Alisa. My school day is over so it's no problem for me." He nodded and we saw the car outside. "Alright, let's go home Alisa." I said and she nodded as we left. The principal of Kunigigowa walked out and took Alisa as Gakushuu brought me into my seat.

"I can walk now!" I said and Gakushuu nodded as he placed me down. He got in after me and I stared at him curiously but he just grabbed my wrists and licked my neck, "Shut up right now. I have a headache from those girls." He said and I sighed and looked out the window. He kissed my hickey and I blushed and swat him away. "No." I said, embarrassed and he simply smirked and kissed it again as my face became red.

After arriving home, Gakushuu went to his room and I went to mine. Or so I though, he pulled me into his room and said that we'd study together. "Is this actual studying or you having this excuse to tease me?" "It will become teasing if you say one more thing that doesn't have to do with studying." I nodded and he got out a textbook and handed me it. "Review it and if you need to, ask me a question. After we finish reviewing the book, we'll both find a page and solve the problems on that page." He said and I nodded as I began to look over the book, knowing everything that was in this thanks to the boys. By the time I finished reviewing the book, I looked up and saw Gakushuu holding his forehead. "G-Gakushuu..?" I asked and he looked up at me. "What did I say?" He asks and I swallow down my fear, "Gakushuu... you need to take medicine." I said after feeling his forehead. "I'm fine, stop-" I cut him off with a kiss on the forehead as he stared surprised, he pinned me to his bed and I blushed.

"Don't tell me what to do. I said I'm fine so shut it." He said and I shook my head, worried for him. "Gakushuu, I'm serious, take medicine and sleep. I worried for you." He growled and held my wrists tighter.

Nobody's POV

Gakushuu was pinning you to the bed and you flinched from the sudden change and somehow managed to free one of her hands from his grip. Gakushuu was struggling to stay up from how tired he was but refused to listen to you. As you placed a hand on his cheek, it was burning and you switched the roles. He was now under you and overcome by shock that you held him where he was. "Gakushuu, I'm getting you medicine, after, I want you to rest. How are you even sick?" (Y/n) asks the boy and his strength was weakening. "I've been staying up all night studying. I need to keep my place in school. That's why." She sighed and kissed his cheek and left to get medicine. On the way back, the girl ran into his parents and they asked why she had medicine.

"For Gakushuu, he's sick and overworking himself." The girl said and they nodded. Gakuho seemed regretful once the younger girl headed away again and grabbed Diane's hands. "I made him do that, didn't I?" He asked and his wife shook her head. She calmed his worries down and she went to see him while Gakuho was pacing back and forth in the halls, still even slightly worried at the least for what he thought he did to his son. When Diane opened Gakushuu's door, she saw him taking the pills with a slight hint of annoyance with bags under his eyes.

"Shuuie, why are you sick?" His mother asked, wanting an explanation from her son as well and he told her the same thing he told you. She nodded and asked you to care for him as you nodded. After that request, Diane left to her husband and Gakushuu held you in place, "Stay here... please..." He begged a little and you pet his cheek while you sat next to him. He held your waist and laid you down. "Gakushuu... come on, I don't want to get sick." You said and he sighed on your neck. "Leave when I fall asleep." He said and held you lightly as you kissed his hands. "Sleep well Gakushuu." You said and felt his breathing even as well as his grip become even looser than it was.

"I'll be back in the morning Gakushuu. Right now, you need to sleep." You said and he let out a slight grunt as if to respond. After you left, you heard something fall and entered again, seeing one of the books on the bed now on the floor. You smiled and picked up anything that could wake him up and left after setting them on the desk. He sneezed in his sleep before you left and you stared at him and smiled.

"He's asleep now." You said as you walked to your room and entered. How did I not see those bags? The girl asked herself and soon got a text from an unknown number.

???: I wouldn't leave the boy alone if I were you. Your brother now knows he's weak and might attack him.
(Y/n): That makes no sense, who are you?
???: Someone you should know quite well. As a fellow assassin.
(Y/n): Grip? Gun? Smog?
???: Finally gets it. It's the leader
(Y/n): So what did that mean Gun?"
Gun: That your brother still wants revenge on him. And with his weak state, I'd be careful.

A pencil suddenly flew into your room and hit the dresser with a note on it. It's Karma. Is Gakushuu actually sick? You got out your phone and texted him.

Death: There's a thing called text you know!
Demon: Don't care, now, yes or no
Death: Why?
Demon: Because I want to beat him, why else?
Death: Yes he is but you aren't fighting him
Demon: Why not? I'm at the house now.
Death: He's overworked himself. Get away from their house now.
Demon: Fine... but we're fighting once he's better.
Death: No.

After putting away your phone, you saw Karma ready to throw another pencil and you yelled. "Dammit Karma! Use text!" "No! This is more fun!" He yelled back and threw another pencil.

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